
I am glad everyone else sees it as I do. He’s seen me give birth, it is just so WEIRDLY criminally creepy like you said that he would do this behind my back. Such a weird way to have control over me, such a weird way to violate me. And his phone being under the door... he had to have been doing sneaky stuff like this

This is exactly it. As I told another commenter, there was another incident with him 4 years ago (something totally different), but he gaslit me and I forgave him and was IN THERAPY for these things right now. He knew I was in therapy to save our marriage because of things HE HAD DONE, then this. I just cannot believe

Just a head’s up that couples counselling is actually not recommended in cases of abuse, as abusers are very clever manipulators and will often turn the therapist against the victim and use them to further abuse them. Especially where gaslighting has occurred, couples counselling is not a good idea.

3 years old, so it’s a long road up ahead in “co-parenting” now.  He seems to be decent enough father aside from abusing his son’s mother like this. I will definitely expect him to take classes. Such a bummer (I just don’t really have words yet) that my son’s dad has a problem like this.

If I am being completely honest here, I have to say that this wasn’t my first HUNCH something was OFF. About 4 years ago, there was a very bad incident. I am able to end it so easily only because I am not, it took nearly 5 years to wake up :( This is just a new level of weird violation. I cannot believe I didn’t wake

How old is your child? Have you noticed anything problematic in the way he acts towards the child?

Oh and follow up comment, good for you for leaving, I’m sure that took so much bravery. Please don’t listen to people that tell you it’s no big deal, because body autonomy, privacy, boundaries and respect are huge deals.

Jesus Christ. I have no idea what I would do. I’m having trouble forming any coherent thoughts about this. I’m sorry that I have no advice for you, just offering my solidarity.

I also made copies of the videos and sent to my therapist should anything shady happen during divorce

I am so sorry. I can only imagine how hard that is.

Share it with your divorce attorney, too. I dont know if you have concerns with his behavior to your child, but you can ask the court to compel him to undergo psychological evaluation to determine if he is safe for your child to be alone with.


So hard. It’s grieving like you would for any loved one. Takes tears and time. So, remember him and all the time you did have and the day will come that the memories don’t bring tears but smiles. I’ve lost a few buddies over many years and it rips your heart out every damn time. I’m so sorry for your loss.

I’m afraid it won’t for me either. I’ve had dogs I’ve loved dearly all my life, but this dog is on another level. Hoping that when it happens it’ll at least be peaceful.

I’m so glad you stayed.

Mine lived to 12 and a half, and even though I know that’s pretty good for a big breed like a lab, it has really fucked me up. Even knowing it was coming for the past few years hasn’t really softened the blow

Today is the 10 year anniversary of my intended death. I acknowledged my family’s pain but had nothing left to give so I swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills and had flashes of being tucked into a gurney (it felt so tight and safe) pulling tubes out of my arm and nurses yelling, and then waking up in a mental

I’m so very sorry. My oldest is 15, and even though he’s doing great for an old man, I know this day is coming. Whenever I feel sad about it, I just remind myself how lucky I am to have had so many good years with him.

Guys, I lost my doggo this week. He’s been sick and I’m glad it was quick and peaceful, but I do not know what to do with myself. Anyone have any tips on dealing with grief?

On one hand: awesome. On the other hand: I’m a little too exhausted from the work of my own life to take on fixing people who call me a cunt, whether they’re in pain or not. Lots of people in pain don’t call me a cunt. I think I’ll work on helping them.