
pretty sure he signed a helluva lot of shit and it was all just blank papers, old memos, shopping lists, anything to keep him quiet and let him think he was actually doing something. His staff treats him pretty much like I used to with my youngest child — “who’s a busy boy ... you’re a busy boy ...”

Fuck this man and his entire family. He is a victim blaming, enabling, Jesus peddling, masculinity worshipping, asshole. Now he peddles his familys shit incessantly, and also introduced us to the Bible thumping TD Jakes. And fuck Oprah for foisting yet another phony into our midst.

This show was on in the breakroom of one of my jobs one day. They were “helping” a lady who had rampant anxiety and depression, with her anxiety branching more and more into agoraphobia as well. Robin appeared, saying that it is tough to self-care when one is depressed (true) and therefore, she was gifting her the

How is one super-rich guy with an entire production crew supposed to handle that?!

Fuck Dr. Phil, and not in the sexy way. All shows like this are predatory, as far as I’m concerned. They say they have two objectives: to entertain and inform. Neither of those things involve ethically ensuring people who need help get it. I’m glad that Herzog is able to say that his experience was a net positive, but

Dr. Phil and his producers are absolutely innocent! What’s he supposed to do? Screen guests to be sure they are sober before they come on? Give them time to sober up before taping? Breathalyze them off screen first? Advocate for them knowing their privacy rights beforehand? Make their privacy waiver clear and concise?

Victimizing. Gaslighting. Gross.

“ of the things that people don’t understand...”

Okay I’m going to be the worst here, and this is based purely on my experiences. I am not a doctor. But, for Depressed Work Chick:

He CHANGED his name to Ethan Kath? Even without her testimony, I would know that he was deranged and dangerous.

is this real or satyre

I agree with you - I think involving HR, especially in LW2's position as a temp, is risky. I wouldn’t object to trying to work with HR to get some certainty around the transition to a permanent position, but anything beyond that (talking about not fitting in, saying you were under-trained, and especially talking about

No, but if other people want to, that’s cool. Though I would advise the woman not to use “unexpected” in conjunction with “airport.” People might like unexpected goats, but otherwise, they like predictable airports.

Goat jumping is fun too. I kid you not.

I have anxiety going into new places/situations and that can manifest as “where will I park?!” So if I can get that question answered easily and satisfactorily it takes a lot of pressure off of me and can deal with the rest of the anxiety way easier.

My gf is horrible at texting, mostly because she puts her phone down and forgets it exists for several hours. Like everything, we both work at our respective flaws and try to be more understanding.

Smorgas all the way. Fight me in the comments.

This is officially my favorite Jez post of the year, as it involves all of my favorite things: Bobby Finger, Zendaya, and being sarcastically pedantic.

I’m ok with the argument that he doesn’t know what he’s doing because of the dementia, but after it happens once, why isn’t there a system in place to keep him from doing it another time....or in this case another 32 times.

People would be horrified to know the things that go on in direct care facilities. Even I (a man) have been sexually assaulted by a patient with dementia. It’s incredibly commonplace, and you’re expected to just “suck it up” and keep doing your job (for which you are not well-compensated and overworked). I totally