
No, I take my revenge by reporting all of his mean comments :) Not all heroes wear capes I guess.

Have you painted the front of your house “I’m with stupid --->”?

responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies.

You guys, Alfred (“Al”) Rava is my neighbor and is a fucking terrorist on Nextdoor. His favorite online pastimes are threatening to sue others who say a bad word against him, ACTUALLY’ing people, and responding to ads to clarify the terms of their policies. He is a nightmare human being.

Good points. I’ve come out of hiding because I don’t want everyone to go away!

It’s the greys, as well as the new kinja scrolling format, too easy to get lost in the comments. I used to read every single one... :((((

I like the articles at Splinter but the commenters are rude and they seem to have even fewer commenters than Jezebel, at least fewer ungreyed ones.

What a sad way for this girl to find out her parents were right about this boy being a monster. I hope he survives to face a trial and prison time.

Dear Bono: Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

My friend was telling me in the car on the way to lunch last week that he’s on the spectrum, possibly asperger’s? If so, I feel even more sympathy for him. What a confused upbringing he must be living.

Barack Obama is the shining example of a perfectly good guy who married up, knows and understands he married up, and lives life accordingly.

Keep Saturn in saturnalia!

Now playing

Here you go, if you haven’t seen it (it’s been going around this year). DO NOT CRY.

*tears of grief* Gods I miss them so much! */tears of grief*

Big Macs have lettuce. Lettuce is a vegetable. Ergo, Donald Trump is a vegetarian.

Never thought my response to hearing “Merry Christmas” would be “oh shit is this person trying to tell me they’re a Nazi” but here we are.

The White House Hanukkah party reminded me of this. Pretty sure that’s how 45 & Co. see things.

Surely hidden under a pound of melted cheese. Same as when I gave my dog her heartworm pill.

Donald Trump ate a vegetable? I don’t believe it. Fake news