
It’s mostly this. Down the page, someone posted a stat that showed that non-evangelical white women voted overwhelmingly for Jones. It’s so stupid, but that said, the Jezebel article makes it seem like its about a whole lot of things that it may not be about.

That said, I’m never surprised when people vote their

So much this. I’m an older white woman who lives in an area in Texas that is purple. Amongst my friends/acquaintances, the conservatives are evangelicals and the liberals/progressives are Catholics or members of more accepting mainline Protestant denominations (or atheists like me).

The issue that democrats need to understand though - if they changed their platform and became the party of 100% prohibition no abortions for anyone - the republican purse strings would simply move the goalpost.

I think this is an interesting point, and it’s the *only* way I can logic Alabama’s support of Moore. To them, it was a choice between a child molester and a child murderer, and they chose what they perceived to be the lesser of two evils.

Absolutely right! White non-evangelical women went overwhelmingly for Jones.

As you single out the admirable voting record of black women, Jewish women, Latinas, Lesbians (of any ethnicity/faith). Not mentioned here are Muslim and Catholic women, who also tend to vote Democratic.

I grew up in Alabama, and I agree. Abortion being THE issue at the ballots was preached from my family and from the pulpit, and it took moving out of the state to reverse the brainwashing. It was framed as, if you voted for a pro-choice candidate you were the problem. Nothing is more important in Southern politics

I’m pretty sure the white woman GOP voters in my family (Alabamans) vote 100% only based on abortion. They will never vote for someone who admits to being pro-choice. For real. That and they are stealth racists who don’t care about equality. It’s like beating your head against a wall to convince them anything other

He thought that scene in Austin Powers was hilarious.

“Trump, 71, was born on June 14, 1946, but his ballot application lists his birthday as July.”

Yeah, I have no real opinion about his music. It’s pretty blah.

I’m sorry, but Ed Sheeran is the worst, and this is even before I heard about his gross, creepy behavior toward women. Like, if everyone wants to love this muppet, fine, but why does he get a pass? Once again, it’s like women’s voices don’t matter.

Those Christmas decorations. Not to my taste. Almost certainly overpriced. However, I would definitely shell out for someone to take down and put away my decorations come January, so...fair enough, Kylie.

To be fair, your efforts would be trifle.

That’s disgusting. This is a drink that badly needs an editor because while I’m sure each element tastes fine on its own cranberry-matcha-mocha-peppermint-caramel-strawberry is not a tasty or even coherent flavor combination. I love chocolate mint flavored things, so the green/brown color doesn’t bother me but I

This is the only thing I want to see from Starbucks

My wild speculative take is that women who work for or have worked for Fox have a tangled relationship with sexual harassment. They want to be on the side of claiming the left is hysterical, but also want the benefit of the doubt when they accuse their slimy co-workers. So she wouldn’t be offended by a pervy old man

Liked for the first half of your comment.

Had more Bernie supporters come out and supported Jill Stein...

Interesting, but this focuses on NYC. More interesting if it included more geographic regions. Suburbs (affluent and working class), rural, smaller cities, etc.