
I agree. In addition, we only have to look at every pedophilia scandal that has come to light to see that those in power will virtually always protect abusers rather than protecting kids. Just look at Penn State, or the Catholic Church, or any one of the scores of schools with a teacher or coach who was abusing kids,

eat more than just Cheetos and Goldfish and a handful of cherries

ok first of all, you can’t tell me that eating with misogynistic, racist assholes is good for my health. second of all, a sandwich, fruit and some chips is definitely not super unhealthy. third, i saw a pelican in front of me while eating my lunch at my favorite spot in the park. fourth, my lunch break is when i’m

YES expose them all! Expose every abuser in Hollywood and never give them a platform again. It’s fucking sick that we all know about this shit and nothing is ever done about it.

it’s something i’ve always wondered about. i have no problem believing that an industry that protects women abusers would also protect pedophiles.

My favorite eating-alone place was, is, and shall ever be, The French Bee Bakery. It was in a twee little neighborhood of a historic suburb of Kansas City. They made macarons and pain au chocolate, but they also made the most amazing tomato basil panini served with an onion soup... I died. I died three times every

So it’s eating alone at restaurants as opposed to your own place? I can see that connection, lots of calories and salt in restaurant food. I myself love to eat alone all fancy on my grandma’s 1950s tv tray at home and rain loud epithets upon you-know-orange-who during the nightly news. Just typing this made me yell

Now playing

eat more than just Cheetos and Goldfish and a handful of cherries.

Yeah, cancer patients aren’t like scenic vistas or sprouts fighting through cement to grow into a plant. They’re people who are facing an often life threatening disease, and they aren’t there to be a tool for inspiration.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

People who talk about how inspiring it is with a positive attitude in cancer patients make me want to hurl.

It really should come with voice prompts for full effect.

Makes sense. when I’m depressed and crying in front of the mirror the thing I want most is to be erased from existence.

As someone who has seen (and signed) many, many NDAs, I can say that Hollywood and Trump’s offices most definitely have them at the ready at all times, and that’s not a bad thing. There is zero percent chance you or I or anyone could get a job working on a movie, at a film studio, or in the White House without signing

You know, as an employment lawyer, I recall that the EEOC takes the position that such clauses are not enforceable - when it comes to Title VII discrimination/harassment charges. Doesn’t mean that the silencer can sue and get a judgment against the silence-ee, but you have to wonder if public policy might not make the

As a lawyer, I’m starting to wonder about how many NDAs like this are out there, and whether the lawyers who drafted them are going through some soul-searching right now. Plenty of them aren’t, but my guess is that a lot of them are.

I am both enraged at this story and incandescent with righteous glee that these motherfuckers are being dragged out to the bonfires by their shorthairs.

Calling Trump out is not particularly important or useful without concerted legislative action to back it up. The reality is that the Trump agenda is the GOP agenda; they are one and the same. Trump and Bannon didn’t pull the GOP to the right; all they did was take the existing GOP ahenda and simply emphasize the

I know Terry Richardson and the others who’ve been fired for being alleged predators are just a drop in the ocean. I know companies are only taking a stand because people are paying attention. I know this level of interest is temporary and Condé Nast, etc will soon go back to not giving a crap. But I also know I’m not