
Bjork in Dancer in the Dark—probably the most powerful and vulnerable performance I have ever seen. I don’t think I can ever watch that movie again because it was just too real.

BTW: 41 people dead in California, 0 words of condolence from Trump.

Of course, the trick is finding a way to turn them...

I’ve got some good political dirt for you, Donnie. I have absolute iron clad proof that George Washington never called the family members of a single US soldier. You’re welcome.

That’s not going to happen. Ivanka’s the Golden Child of a Malignant Narcissist. She has been groomed her whole life to not turn against Daddy no matter what.

Wait, they told us here in Murica that you have to wait ten years to see a doctor over there because of socialism!

The vast majority of them are some form of Christian or another. They’ve been raised to believe their credulity is the biggest and best quality about them- their core belief is they have to believe that a dude was sacrificed by his own dad to remove any personal responsibility they have for their own shitty thoughts

I fucking hate him so much.

“warmest condolences for the death of your son/daughter, military is hard almost as hard as writing this. Here’s a coupon for 5 dollars off on your next visit to the Trump Tower restaurant and a MAGA keychain”

He can’t even answer a question about communicating with the families of soldiers killed in the line of duty without mentioning Obama and erroneously trying to make himself look better by comparison. He also managed to make calling parents of dead soldiers about him and how hard that is for him:

“We literally didn’t have any ideas, so we just killed off the main female character in order to juice up the plot.”

Is there anything about Carrie that wasn’t a class act?


How can my heart break and grow all at once?!

it’s already happening. All over the country you have idiots that buy a dog or two from the store, breed them at home, and sell them to neighbors and friends or on craigslist.

I work in a shelter, I can assure you that a lot of people do not want to pay for a used puppy. They’ll pay $800 for a puppy at a store, but as soon as it enters the shelter, $100 is too much and they think they should get it for free. I’m dead serious. Puppies don’t have much resale value, they’re worse than cars

Also, it would be highly unusual for a security camera to have audio.

If this is real, it’s footage from the most oddly-placed security camera in history. Who puts a security camera at eye level several inches out from a corridor wall?

The grays work like this: you lurk and post, unlikely to receive handle recognition for years, until one day an un-grayed ultra-commentor with impeccable kinja status sees a comment, stars it and then your comment floats to the top everyone is in awe. You’re ungrayed and people who never slogged in the grays before

I keep optimistically thinking, this is it! This is when mainstream non-woke men get it! This is when men in my workplaces see the point of feminism and stop rolling their eyes!