
I believe that children are supposed to be rescued by the Knight Bus, not the Hogwart’s Express. This is not canon, and I think they should return the family to the highlands until they can work out a more lore-friendly rescue system.

Bill Murray and Steve Martin would simultaneously shock me and make me so so sad. Throw Colbert, Stewart, and Oliver on there for good measure.

Oddly, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit by Chris Evans. Definitely some good ones on there though

I wouldn’t be shocked by The Rock at all. Dude worked in pro wrestling. That’s basically what half that world is. But yeah, Tom Hanks would shock me. Good call.

Tom Hanks? The Rock?

I think the point is that they aren’t going to get away with it anymore. Except the president, of course.

It’s weird to me that this article doesn’t mention the incident that cost him his reality show/official position as Sheriff’s deputy of Parrish County, Louisiana. The one where his assistant fled his house after a sexual assault and he chased her with a flashlight-mounted gun. Or multiple other sourced complaints of

Steven Seagal is under siege and on deadly ground for his fire down below. He thought he was above the law and hard to kill. But his accuser is out for justice.

There are a few Hollywood celebs that I would be really surprised to find out are sexual predators. Steven Seagal is not among them.

“Creepy,” and “Kimono-clad,” are just sort of implied in anything involving Steven Seagal.

Did you enjoy her SNL appearance? I was looking forward to it and was disappointed. She either has very limited comedic chops or the writers just wrote has as the “sexy straight woman” in every sketch. After watching that episode I think she is not invincible, she has limitations, she does not “have it all,” and that

I always enjoyed the dark crystal / full house crossover episodes,

I sing this song to myself every night that I eat cheese in bed after 11pm, so...

Followed by dinner in formal attire:

Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together:

How is Tina Fey saying that line? I have never seen it and having seen it now I imagine her singing along to “Night Moves” by Bob Seger, “Working on our night moves,” becomes “Working on my night cheese.”

One bit of US politics to keep an eye on next Friday...

God, he’s been worse than usual recently, and that’s hard to achieve. It’s like his administration hasn’t had enough drama for Donald’s tastes, so he’s gone out and manufactured some more.

I just don’t understand this stuff.