
Yep like Terry said, it’s like I’m feeling ptsd.... I spent the day thinking of all the times I’ve been violated... and it freaked me out... the first time I was 4 (right before kindergarten) and my grandma’s best friend’s grandson (7 or 8 yrs old) decided to randomly pull his pants down bend over and show me his

True. But as Terry stated this goes beyond Hollywood.

It is becoming crystal clear that this behavior in Hollywood is so common that this person thought he could go up to a man who could clearly kick his ass and grab his privates AND get away with it. He probably knew that Terry was aware of how it would look (240 lb black man beats up Hollywood honcho.... like he said

Damn Viola Davis’s response is perfect and powerful and about to make me cry. She’s truly a treasure. I don’t have the words to say how much I admire her consistently good commentary about the state of the world but I hope she knows how important her words are to so many people.

I’m also in awe of Terry speaking out, I really hope this encourages more to come forward, if this ex football player macho man can come forward, so can you, there seems to be this narrative that being assaulted means you’re weak.

How utterly invincible do you think you have to be to grope Terry Crews in public and in front of his wife without any repercussions? What kind of sick, deranged power move is that?

I willingly admit that I can only handle criticism with heaps of praise in addition. I beat myself up enough that anyone else doing it is just confirming how much I think I suck.

There’s a Special Hell for people who say “we need to talk” and then DON’T CONTACT YOU FOR THE REST OF THE DAY and make you wait while stewing.

I wish one of these reporters who he says that to would ask him, “Mr. Trump, can you tell us what IQ stands for?” Because I highly doubt Mr. Vocabulary of a Third Grader knows the term “quotient.”

Personally, I’d prefer to fight 100 duck-sized horses over one horse-sized duck. But that’s just me.

This is what most of us are taught in medicine. It’s not a “spot”, it’s a tumor. I’m not doing a biopsy to “make sure it’s ok”, I’m doing a biopsy to “make sure it’s not cancer.”

Once upon calling in for blood test results which I wasn’t even really worried about thankfully, but you always are, there was a preemptive prompt about psychological help being available should I need it. This is all well and good and I understand it, but it was so long winded that I was getting panicky and sweaty

Duck measuring sounds quackers.

Giving bad news and negative feedback is especially hard because there’s such a disconnect between how people say they want feedback and how they actually respond to feedback. I teach writing for a living and coach in a couple of sports on the side, and probably 95% of people, when asked, will say “give it to me

My wife has a wonderful phrase for this: killing the squirrel.

You know we’re fucked when Condoleeza Rice is warning about unnecessary, poorly-thought through wars.

“I think it’s fake news, but if he did that, I guess we’ll have to compare IQ tests,” he told Forbes. “And I can tell you who is going to win.”

I’m disappointed - but in no way surprised -that no other Republicans are willing to go on record backing Corker on the obvious. FFS, he’s provided all the cover anyone would need, but noooo.... It’s party before country for all these fuckers.

This problem is bigger than any one of us or our individual ideas, but I have one anyway.