
Fox News is covering this.

As much as I love Harry Potter, it’s world becomes more and more disturbing the longer you think about it. For instance, why the hell aren’t love potions illegal? They’re basically magical date rape drugs, and they’re responsible for creating Voldemort in the first place. it’s even outright stated that a child

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

thats the other part, every wizard over the age of 16 is allowed to have essentially the equivalent of an AR-15 combined with a smart phone on them at all times. And are taught killing curses and just are taught not to use them ever. Like i know we are against abstinence education here, but maybe you shouldn’t be

Oh yeah they had the power to fix everything but couldn’t bother to give their saviour the cure for shitty eyesight.

Also people forget that the wizarding world pretty much enslaves every species outside of human. pretty much the only difference between Vold and the rest of the wizards is that he wanted to treat muggles the same way they treat elves, and goblins, and giants.

I hate all the trumps with the burning fire of a thousand suns, and wish them nothing but unscratchable genital itching, but he’s not wrong.

You’re right, but the sad reality today is that many school administrators are not all that well-educated.

He looks like a crusty old jizz sock that gained sentience with the full knowledge that he is in fact a crusty old jizz sock.

These people have been wanting call these babies the nword for so long they can’t contain it anymore. She was arrested for being black , doubt anyone noticed nonblack students sitting for the pledge.

Let me know when they sell a little doily you can put on it to make it look like a Sexy French Maid Roomba.

Let me know when they sell a little doily you can put on it to make it look like a Sexy French Maid Roomba.

These robotic “mops” seem to be fairly meh Swiffer-draggers, dragging a wet pad back and forth doesn’t seem to clean that well. But a *robotic steam mop*, now that’d be something - make it happen, weird-named Asian fabs!

These robotic “mops” seem to be fairly meh Swiffer-draggers, dragging a wet pad back and forth doesn’t seem to clean

Well, that is why the non-awful ones would have to moderate it.

I could always make a place to go (that’s what women, POCs, and queer folks have had to do this whole time!). Make a space for non-awful men. Enforce that men have to be not-awful. Reinforce it. The world will be better for it.

I read the thread, and I agree with a lot of things said by you here, and also everyone last night. I am really only posting here because I found it frustrating, there and AGAIN HERE RIGHT NOW, that there are STILL men posting comments like “I hope it’s not me!” and “maybe I’m a jerk sometimes but I try not to are you

the men dominated a conversation so that they could get GoodFeminist crew, while the women were drowned out or ignored

No need to say all that. Any of us who are offended probably have some listening and introspection to do. Sometimes we need to know when to just shut up and listen.

This was also something that was discussed at length last night. Why are so many women languishing in the greys while so many men who exhibit the behaviors I’ve mentioned are ungrayed?

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I generally don’t care to spend time with men. ( Besides the normal unavoidable life stuff) My doctors are women, as are all of my friends. I choose to be part of this community for that reason. I’m also troubled by the constant male voices. As a permagray, It’s interesting that so

This was particularly bad on the Hugh Hefner stuff, I noticed. It seems like there’s a siren that goes off for a bunch of trolls to come defend the poor, beleaguered menz.