
Ooh, does this mean that Tim Allen who thinks he is a “funny, likable conservative” will be retiring soon too?

Real Estate agent making announcements instead of his talent agent? I guess Woods got tired of paying his talent agent 10% and decided a real estate agent’s 6% was easier to live with.

...I think I stumbled across the worst take...

Same with Ben Rapelisberger and Jameis Winston. People love rapists if they are talented.

You should hear the screeching when I bring up Kobe Bryant is a rapist.

Yeah, I think it’s normal for more responsibilities to be added to your job over time. Every time that’s happened to me, I asked for a title change and wage increase, and every time I’ve gotten it. One time, my boss was even surprised when I asked, like surprised that she didn’t even think of it. Sometimes, it’s not

Also, having evidence of the affair will help a lot in the divorce.

Seriously. If marriage is something you want, then telling yourself “I shouldn’t want this”isn’t going to magically make you not want it. If she’s unhappy about it now, she’ll be unhappy about it later.

What the fuck is this advice?? I feel like this column is written as a joke. ?? Of course tell the wife. Telling the letter writer not to blow up their marriage is absurd, the A. Hole already did that. She doesn’t have to be an asshole about it but Jesus Christ, tell the wife. She’s a mother and deserves to know the

All of this. PLUS, she’s not that happy, or she wouldn’t have written the letter. Non - commitment isn’t enough for her to feel happy and secure and for a lot of people that is normal. She shouldn’t fight her instincts. Break up and get back in the dating game. The 40s are a sweet spot for divorced men—she can find

Okay, but “charities” still should be paying their employees fairly. I work in the non-profit sector and see a bunch of underpaid, overworked folks. The people who aren’t underpaid and overworked are even happier, trust me, and tend to do better, more efficient work for their orgs, thus saving them money in the end.

We don’t know about the LW, but he could have very well exposed both either woman to something.

WTF just rename this the “shut up about your feelings women - be happy you have a guy, even one who sucks” column.


Agreed, I think the “you don’t know what their arrangement is!” part of the advice is... bad. Like, he clearly wasn’t honest with LW, so I don’t know why you’d expect he has an honest and up-front arrangement with his wife. Even if they do have an arrangement, then if you let her know, she’ just says “Yep. I’m aware.”

Absolutely 100% tell the wife. Is this advice even serious?

I can’t think of other situations in which you are allowed to blow up another person’s marriage, but I’m sure our commenters can come up with some.

No. No you do not blow up a marriage that you are not a partner in, ever, unless someone is being physically or mentally abused.

I disgree with not telling the wife. Mainly because if he’s cheating on her with letter writer - who is to say he is not cheating on her with someone else? My advice to letter writer would be inform Mrs. Hole and also, get yourself tested. He’s introducing elements into their relationship without her consent and she