
An indie makeup company just released a Baba Yaga blush this morning. The timing of the release on the same day as the results of the poll is actually complete synchronicity since it’s part of their Halloween collection that was developed and scheduled for today a while ago, but I feel like I should mention it anyway.

Yeah this is completely fucked.

I don’t know, I may have watched too many 90's Lifetime movies, but he looks abusive and misogynistic to me. (PS: Lifetime movies get a lot of shit, but no joke, I learned a lot of really important lessons about consent and the signs of abuse from those movies.)

My PSA for the day: You (general you) would be better off each doing at least six months each of individual therapy before even considering whether to move forward with marriage counseling. You don’t go to marriage counseling with an abuser who hasn’t sought treatment because you can’t repair a marriage if the

Somerhalder: But unbeknownst to poor Nikki, she didn’t realize that I was gonna go in her purse and take out her birth control the way, it was the beginning of the pack, so I had to pop all of those suckers out...

I just adore how this psychopath behavior is normalized for women. “It just means he loves you!” Jesus Christ. None of this is normal, none of it is a joke. This woman has a ticking time bomb on her hands and he’s gonna go off in front of their kids.

I’m also disgusted by the assumption everyone involved takes of well, he threw them out. That’s it and sex without birth control is inevitable. Like she can’t leave him, refuse him, get a refill on the prescription, or whatever. Oh, no, the man threw them out and there’s no other options.

Seriously, how coddled and unduly confident do you have to be to think that this will just go over as a cute story? This is someone that has never faced consequences in his life.


Thank you! It wasn’t even just that one much of that conversation, what they’re talking about and how he says it, is completely fucked up.

So not only did he throw out her birth control, but then he made sure he was filmed “interviewing” her about it because he knew she would freak the fuck out. Well, that’s....disgusting.

Does Somerhalder assume people will find this story charming because he’s not ugly? Because it contains at least 3 of the warning signs of abuse in the booklet my doctor gave me at my first prenatal visit.

Direct your chicken leg house to Los Angeles, you need to have a talk with Elliot Berlin.

Yeah let me tell you. It takes a lot of manipulation to get a person to the point where a dude can throw away all her birth control pills while a friend films it and then she can have his baby. Just based on this interview, he’s been pushing her boundaries and testing her limits since they first starting dated.

Over under on divorce and restraining order: 18 more months.

I will never be able to see this smug asshole without thinking about how he pulled this shit. Had Reed been smart she would have dumped him then and never looked back. A man who would do this kind of thing has zero respect for you.

I wish a bear would eat Betsy DeVos.

It’s actually a direct quote, if you can believe it!

I feel like I listen to more than enough Savage Lovecast to have heard the first scenario over and over again. If the sex is bad this long into the relationship and your partner has shown no interest in improving it, then you have to really sit down and ask yourself whether bad sex is the price of admission you’re

In the year of our lord 2017 Baba Yaga is the icon we need.