
I effing love me some Sweet Brown. She says what we all want to say.

Right? That level of presumption is only possibly met by the coldest look ever given accompanied by “please bring me your manager. Right. NOW.”

As the cohort-mate of one of these phenomenal women, fuck that with a trowel...

Interesting. Because when I hear hardcore Bernie supporters talk, all I hear is fart noises and fapping. Thank you for confirming that.

“...and there’s no need for that.” Seriously? Please, find a bit of empathy and understand that her comfort level is not yours to determine, and whether or not she has what you see as valid reasons, she. Doesn’t. Want. The touch. Full stop.

As someone with PTSD, I told my ex that doing exactly that was the quickest way for him to get stabbed, and we didn’t want that DID WE??

This dude’s a known troll. Flag, dismiss, repeat.

Serious advice here: Get screened for sleep apnea. I found the word “choking” to be particularly interesting—if this is what’s happening when you go to sleep at night, a time/place where your body knows it should be getting a lot of sleep all at once and is less likely to wake up on its own, then sleep apnea causing

...I did that, and no one got back to me. :(

My debit card got hacked yesterday, so I’ve been waiting for the sweet, sweet schadenfreude of BCO. THANK YOU, PINKHAM. the case of chicken what it needs is heat. I don’t know you, but I hope to god you never end up cooking for me... *massive side-eye*

Alright, my bad. *grin*

As evidenced by the fact that you completedly edited your reply... Bye Felicia.

Higher ed, not public schooling. No peer group in grade schooling is going to get you drunk for free—they’re too scared they’ll get fired for it. Now, in universities, there’s an entire prof/grad student-drinking culture thing going on...

Obviously you’re not in academia...

Please let it be on purpose, because I am going to start using that like a mofo.

Such a squee face!

But how is it pronounced? Is it more Water-Melon-Drea, or Watermel-Ondrea? Because that would make a big difference to me. /s

They also referred to Dr. King as “Michael King.”

This is also a perfect example of why having the general public anywhere near any type of shared food is one of the worst ideas ever.