

Tetanus DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about your strong immune system. I'm pretty sure the last time I went in to get a cut treated they were brushing my arm with alcohol and pinching a vax site WHILE I was signing the freaking consent form. No time was wasted. That disease is not to be fucked with—dying from it is

No, no, it's not. Your friend will get chemical burns.

Congrats. You want a medal?

Right. And why should it be subversive for lesbians to visit strip clubs, for Christ's sake. I mean, women who like to look at other women go where there are other women to look at, news at eleven...

Anything's possible. But because she didn't say that, we'll never know, will we?

I think you're working too hard to translate "ignorant American" into "swanky Italian/French." Based on the story, she actually didn't know what was in the drink she wanted.

Uh-huh, but the server was, so...

No need to be embarrassed. *hugs*

...okay then.

There are many steamed milk/espresso drinks. Yup. Ask the Italians. *grin*

Now playing

Oh, no! It's an adorable reference, and fine if you don't get it. Go here:

Parkour to you! *waits to see if you get obscure reference*

Yeah, in the same way that hamburgers and hotdogs both contain ground up meat.

So. Much. Pent up. Barista rage. OMG.

Presumably, it would be a small amount of filter coffee in steamed milk. It would taste fine, but it would not at all taste the same.

This. THIS. Thisthisthis. ALLLLL OF THIS. Seriously, people be cray.

Ah, my mistake. That is, admittedly, a total WHY moment.

Because that's her mother?

They are the shit. I would eat them every day.