
Same on both counts.

I agree that she needs help with her own problems; I am merely wondering whether this is where it’s heading in the long run.

I may be completely alone on this, but the more screen time Grace’s baby shower outfit got, the more I liked it. Maybe not for a baby shower, but I though it was pretty f’in cool. I thought of the head band as more of a 70s turban vibe than Axel Rose.

I was also wondering if this is setting up for Shauna (and presumably but not definitely Deja) to move into an R&B Properties unit. The backstory serves to flesh out the fact that Shauna really does work a lot and, for the most part aside from some slip-ups, manages her wages fairly responsibly. That says to me that

As a former Upstate NYer and current Bostonian, I totally know where you’re coming from. However, I first noticed the weather was way off when Jack and Kate were talking out on the sidewalk after she caught him taping her, and all the trees were lush with green leaves, and neither of them had so much as a coat on. And

Not at all - I love him so much!

A very tiny football with a baseball for a head.

God, it is SO easy to get the Santa Ana Winds song stuck in my head, and I NEVER hate it.

Pretty sure there was an entire BOOK devoted to changing diapers. Ugh.

Okay, thank you for the context...that is much, much better. Whew.

A school dance for FIRST GRADERS?! Jesus. I don’t have kids but I’d almost be more comfortable having my 6 year old watching Stranger Things than going to a dance at that age.

Yup, least favorite episode ever. I love this show and loved (most of) the books, but this is the second episode in a row where I was checking to see how much time was left. I found myself thinking, am I just not going to like this show anymore? The writing and acting were TERRIBLE. The scene right after the fire with

Frankly, I’m just grateful we finally got to the bottom of this and can put it behind us. Glad he finally cleared things up.

Totally agree with everything you’ve said. And even if they were really committed to “recreating” the wedding night, they could have included the parts where Jamie tells Claire his whole life story, which was what made her fall in love with him (IMO). Have the sexy scene, but then have the satisfying pillow talk

Same - I usually enjoy every episode and don’t really critique an episode while I’m watching, but 2/3 of the way through, I actually found myself feeling bored and wondering how much time was left - this was shocking to me. And, like Stringer-Belle said, I don’t really know why I felt that way.

Totally agree - I’d be more concerned if they *didn’t* have them act at least a little nervous or insecure or if they didn’t have them do a post-mortem on the past two decades. I don’t think it indicates that Claire or Jamie are plagued with some sort of irrational, crippling insecurity. I think it’s pretty reasonable

I was DREADING seeing Mr. Willoughby and I’m still not convinced it’s not going to devolve into a painful caricature at some point. I’m kind of surprised they kept him for the TV adaptation. This time was (borderline) fine, but I’m pretty nervous about how they handle him going forward.

I am somewhat dreading what will become of the series when it reaches the point of the later books - I, too, enjoyed the books less as time went on and the plot points became VERY repetitive. I audibly groaned when I saw that Stephen Bonnet had been cast. I rarely, if ever, want a good series to end, but in this case

Also, if you steal a baguette you lose more points than stealing a normal loaf of bread, because it’s more French.

One of the top laugh-out-loud moments for me, which hasn’t been mentioned yet, was when Michael started writing “people = good” and halfway through had to ask them to remind him what he was supposed to be writing, despite it being all over the board and the simplest possible equation, and his allegedly infinite