
I think men should be allowed to spread their legs as wide as they want on the bus as long as women are allowed to change our tampons on the bus and throw the used ones at the most annoying passengers. Because of biology.

Again, I'm just taking a stab in the dark on that one.

Sweet Jesus, you don't believe an internet stranger's family story!

So a non religious site is offering a timely non regilious view on the myth of a virgin birth and you're getting from that that good feminists can't be religious?

This essay deals with a whole pantheon of religions , not just xtianity.

So you're mad that Jezebel doesn't buy the whole "virgin birth" thing and instead releases interesting, informative, and well researched pieces about how the myth of the virgin birth is related to how we think of women, is part of a long tradition, has to do with how we repress women in general, and how it effects

I have to add that when I interviewed Baddie and we talked about her church (she is devoted to her little church where she lives and goes every Sunday), she told me she goes there to pray. I asked her what she prays for.

Probably not if that's the way they specifically would like to be referred to as.

This year, between going through a horrible breakup, watching my family fall apart even further, and hitting my first quarter century, I started to get way too fucking scared of getting old and dying. Or just acting old.

idk, my mom always says she refuses to be a Red Hat Lady because she thinks it's depressing as FUCK that they all wait til they're old to be sassy. Because then the sass comes out all at once and annoys everyone that works in the libraries where they have book clubs, the restaurants where they have lunch, and the gay

The group that came into the Chili's I used to work at (until I turned 21, a Chili's in the suburbs was my only waiting option) always tipped on top of the gratuity I put on (mama didn't raise no fool)! I guess it really depends on the club zeitgeist.

Fifty-eight year old here, and I'm with you, kid. Still tokin' with zero plans to stop, still wearing the clothes I've always loved and still rocking long red hair. No ink or piercings because I hate pain, but that's the only reason. And I married a 12-years-younger man, who thinks I look great in a bikini. (I don't,


I would like to just surpass middle age and jump right into being Baddie Winkle. Honestly. I can't wait to be a sequin-wearing-give-no-fucks old lady.

my mom has had that poem hanging up in her office for years. baddie is #1

I'd say your relationship was damaged more by him being a selfish, inconsiderate asshole.

I suppose anything in moderation is not an impediment to marriage, but porn interferes with emotional connection and can definitely end a marriage..I have two female friends who divorced because of their husband's obsession with porn.

An unplanned teen pregnancy used to be a big reason people married. Not only is that no longer the case, but unplanned teen pregnancies are also on the decline.

"looked at porn versus religious sites"

I notice that the media nearly always frames the decline in marriages as a problem. But there were and are a lot of bad marriages... maybe some of those entanglements are not happening now?