
Which is why I will never be rich. Neither of those things are worth it to me.

She probably enjoys the money, like corporate lawyers who work hellish hours for awful people.

I don't believe her.

What a relevant username.

All of this sounds so unpleasant. She can't have enjoyed having that much sex. I would be so tired of having sex.

Hi Robby! Thanks for stopping by! One small correction: I don't think you've ever "reported" a goddamn thing in your life. (And because I know you're going to do this, either here or in my Twitter mentions, which you and your friends are currently stink-clouding up with your Feelings, I have a master's degree in

I discovered the moment you monetize it, it's not something I love to do anymore.

"find something you love" is such bullshit. Seriously what do I love to do? Let's see, sit around on my couch and watch tv, read, eat, and maybe masturbation. How the hell would you make money doing those things? Lol.

I'm 42 and as much as I'd like for someone to pay me to what I like to do... no one is going to pay me to lay on the couch with my dogs all day. (Dammit dogs, start pulling your weight around here, I mean jeez, these bully sticks are free you know!)

I'm 35 and still don't know what the hell to do with myself. I have a job that pays well but I'm not enjoying all the shitty travel. I would like to find something closer to home but I don't know where to begin. People keep telling me to do something I enjoy, but that seems like I'd quickly stop enjoying said thing.

"I'm still unsure what to do" — I love it when stories of spiritual journeying end in the same BS in which they started. No "Eat, Pray, Love" here. Fuck spiritual journeys. Things were, and remain muddy as hell. It's the way of the future.

Try to find something you love. Then find a way to monetize it. Yeah. 55. Still trying.

Now its attempted murder of a police officer? Lets not forget he never even made it trial because of the murdering police officer took the execution rule into his own hands.

They didn't really need to wait, there have been thousands of incidents going on many years now. How about the black woman who asked for help and was shotgunned in the face through a closed door? Or the black kids listening to "thug music" that an old man didn't like, so he felt threatened and shot into their car?

What a wonderful and hilarious obit. I can read between the lines and see the big FUCK YOU to the cruel disease that took this young man's life away. I'm sorry I only came to this after the fact, but thank you for passing this story on, Burt. Incredibly touching.

My five year old son once informed my husband and I that he hears us cuddle through his bedroom wall. When I asked what he meant, he became extremely embarrassed and changed the subject. Having our own horrific memories of parental sexy time, we knew changing the subject would not erase the memory burned into our

The Raptors are excellent this season and have a real chance to go to the finals since the Cavs and Bulls aren't as good as advertised. Unfortunately the national press doesn't give them the coverage they deserve except when it comes to Drake.

Another hero falls....

My parents built our house when I was young. Their bedroom is on one end of the house, and the kid's rooms are clustered on the opposite end. This was not an accident.