i heard Brett Butler freebases puppies and chokes midgets.
i heard Brett Butler freebases puppies and chokes midgets.
Remember when she went after Lindy on twitter? Dudes she cray.
Roseanne is a shock jock. Sometimes, i think, she says stuff before even thinking or for an attention. She was trying to make a controversial joke, guess what Roseanne, it didn't work.
Roseanne is pretty much the best worst. FTFY. Happy Dranksgiving, Mark!
I never really use twitter, but one of the few times I did was when she was tweeting George Zimmerman's parent's address. I merely said that it was dangerous to promote vigilante justice. She responded by calling me a "lying bitch".
She's transphobic as hell, too. Has been since that time she "ran" for president. Never recanted, never apologized. I understand people used to like her back in the long long ago, but she's a turd now.
Do better next time, museum. This whole thing stinks.
Her and Notorious RBG are my (wo)mancrushes. They are my imaginary adopted mom and gramma!
I know this might sound weird, but this story actually made me feel better about flying. Knowing that the plane remained safe and airworthy even after this event occurred shows just how robust these planes really are in the face of weird "black swan" events. And the fact that these events are so rare that Bombardier…
Bumble - Where all the men are toothless!
I have several wanted dick pics on my phone. It's the unwanted and unasked for pics that do not churn my butter.
I can't believe that of all of the things covered in this piece, the majority of the comments are focused on the question of whether male reporters are allowed to interview naked female players. They've reduced your love of the game to your "right" to see naked players.
Hot damn, people are riled up about this. Saying pregnancy looks uncomfortable is seriously what we're getting mad about? Pretty sure every woman I know who has had a baby has made a comment about "omfg baby stop kicking my bladder/let me lay down how I want/I can't even breathe at this point." Looks and sounds super…
It does look uncomfortable but since I'm about exactly her size pre-pregnancy I am now comforted because if I look 1/100th this cute pregnant I am relieved at the hope. She looks super beautiful and sexy, but also like her back hurts (I'm sure it does).
I kind of love that she just went out in the bikini. Like "I'm pregnant - so what?"
Ugh doesn't she look great! I'm 8 months pregnant and I got a bad case of beef back (ie my back looks like a slab of cow hanging in a butcher shop-sooo freakin big) and I can no longer "sit like a lady". If I wear white I look like big hero six. This is my current state
The size of the mom determines the size of the baby in utero - however big it happens to grow up to be.
Or when you are any woman at all nearing the end of pregnancy.
Pregnant woman is pregnant.