I dunno what's worst, that cheeto dust covered nerds are using this as a rallying point or the inclusion of a bunch of words white people hate just cause they didn't know what they meant until two weeks ago
That's probably why she went to the "real" Columbia instead of Barnard, a fact she no doubt shares whenever the subject comes up.
That was my first reaction. A magazine wants to limit language. Outstanding. Gold stars to all involved.
Let's stick to the issues and quit throwing this label around like ticker tape at a Susan B. Anthony parade.
She probably even knows how to drive a car!
... No, you didn't, but it never ceases to amuse some of us Nordics. Because in Danish, "bae" means "shit".
Because the word humanist already means something and it's a separate concept from feminism. Of course, one can be both feminist and humanist but they aren't synonyms. I think you meant to say egalitarian but that doesn't quite cut it either. We have the feminist movement because men have always been the most…
In the immortal words of Rush, if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.
Declaring yourself above the fray by not picking a side or deeming both sides bad has the effect of helping the side of the privileged. The privileged side has the power already and if their side isn't fought they will win. Not getting involved and not picking side is actually siding with the privileged because it's…
While the rest of us chicks were embroidering samplers and practicing being still and quiet, she was out there playing pool and reading books like a goddamned revolutionary. I'm speaking out of awestruck envy, of course.
She's just one of those girls who "always got along at lot better with guys..."
Clearly Time is just trying to drive traffic and get attention which has been successful. But they could have picked on something much less cynical. Like banning cat videos. Which of course I'm totally against but I'm just saying it could have driven traffic without shitting on feminism.
She's got a point, though. I'm so tired of the commercialism of Susan B. Anthony day, and all the tributes to female presidents in January, and the traditional Equal Pay bonus on February 14.
The "if we'd just stop talking about it, it would go away!" argument is one of those that lets idiots feel smug while requiring no actual thought. See "both sides do it" for political arguments and "atheists are just as dogmatic as the religious, so I don't pick a side" in religious arguments. Verbal claptrap that…
Why is Time spearheading the Orwellian concept of banning words in the first place?
She's being edgy and transgressive by sucking up to entitled dudes.
You know, I have to imagine people had these same conversations over the word "abolitionist" back in the 1850s. "Hey, I believe that EVERYONE has an equal right to not be enslaved but I wouldn't consider myself an abolitionist since all it does is set a dividing line between white people and the coloreds. What does…
Women, youth and people of color. It's a GREAT list. *eyeroll*