That may be, but the double standard stance Instagram has on nudity should be, and deserves to be, called out.
That may be, but the double standard stance Instagram has on nudity should be, and deserves to be, called out.
better things out there indeed like my vagina
How did you find out about Secret Supreme Dictator Alex Trebek?
We really do live in a world where a subset of people firmly believe that access to guns and information about guns is not responsible for gun related crimes because the onus is on the individuals who act on access to guns and information about guns.... but at the same time, that even the mere mention of, let alone…
kontribution...I honestly lol'd.
I really do like this picture. But let's not kid ourselves. Bronzer and eye shadow are still very much in play here. Hell, they probably even took a pencil to those pretty brows of hers.
I know that Khloe is the Kardashian people seem to like, but I can't be the only one weirded out by her black men fetish. She has gone on god knows how many radio and internet interviews talking about how she just loves black peen, and quite frankly it's off putting. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having a…
She looks...better.
Thats what I don't understand. The type of people who are anti abortion usually tend to be super conservative anti free healthcare and benefits and of the mindset that poor people shouldn't breed. However they make it hard for poor people to gain access to to contraception and abortions? That literally makes no sense…
Blech imagining "The Boy Is Mine" being about Big Sean retroactively ruins it.
I will never take "pro-lifers" arguments on the whole sanctity of life until they start pushing for mandatory organ and blood donations aggressively as they do to end abortion. Oh, and until they push for the government to start mandating that every single person is required to shelter and feed any homeless person…
"Inspirational examples of Christian compassion," indeed!
I'm hoping to contribute during the next "Menudo and Tequila for elective hysterectomies" challenge, myself.
I am so ready!
This is great and sad at the same time, as someone who lives in England the tax payers actually pay for abortions through the NHS (that damn evvvilll socialized healthcare) and i feel like that should be the same in the US. They should not have to raise money for it because it should not be so hard nor should it be…
How did I not know this was going on? My only involvement in ice-bucket-insanity was dumping ice on my boss, which I wasn't going to pass up, but I LOVE tacos, beer, and abortion funding.
One of the greatest moments of relief in my life was realizing I didn't have any close friends to nominate me for that stupid icebucket challenge. Introverts for the win!