It's a casserole without the courage of its convictions. JUST BE A CASSEROLE, BURGER KING THING.
Look if you had more camping on the beach and it wasn't all booked up all the time we'd come more often! Especially now you got that lovely bridge! ;)
See, I'm angrily not okay with all of that junk. Or, at least, I don't think you should be able to retain the good name of Poutine when all you're really doing is serving a bunch of crap with fries and piling it on top of each other.
I'm afraid we cant be friends then. That's unfortunate. GO LEAFS GO!
I am totally fine with people doing pulled pork poutine and fancy pants poutine with foie gras gravy and some crazy cheese curds, but this is not poutine. This is a bunch of stuff dumped on some mediocre fries and called poutine to take advantage of our gravy and cheese curd lovin' people.
I'm still mad at you for last year.
My inlaws thought Terry Schiavo's husband was a monster as did their church. Less than a year after that, my father in law was diagnosed with terminal stage IV colon cancer that had spread through his entire body. He had a reaction to chemo (I don't know the details). He was revived, but went without oxygen long…
Between this and the Brittany Maynard story, I think the universe is telling us to have those difficult conversations with family members about end of life instructions. Here is some info about writing a living will:…
Well we have reached the future when an 18 year old could actually be named after Lauryn Hill. I am so old (24).
The Terry Schiaivo case is what made me get my advanced directive in place. But that fucking situation....I remember one of the Holy Rollers claiming "She's alive! Her groaning is her saying she want's to live!" Then, after the autopsy, the Dr's said that she was brain-ded and that she could have idled like that…
I saw this same thing and had the same thought and pissed off-ness. My friend who posted the response has this horrible tendency to post things saying something along the lines of "Look at this bit of Catholic doctrine, doesn't this clear everything up?" No, dear, not everyone is Christian and even among those who…
Ech, I also have a mega religious FB friend whose mom has had serious health issues invloving multiple life threatening surgeries recently. Every time she asks for prayers and then credits God, not the doctors, with her moms survival. I am certainly glad her mom is ok, I'm not a monster, but damn it does that piss me…
Apparently "we don't get to decide how our lives end" but we sure as shit are allowed to delay it as long as possible thanks to modern medicine.
Someone on FB posted a "response" to Brittany Maynard written by a priest who also is battling a terminal illness. I'm sure you can find it with some googling, if you're inclined. It pissed me off badly—at one point he wrote that "our lives are not our own; we don't get to decide how they end." And I just felt so…
"If an animal was suffering we would put it out of it's misery. It's astounding that humans don't have the right in all states to decide when they have suffered enough."
You're right. We're allowed to treat our pets more humanely than we can treat ourselves.
I'm only being this person because one of my parents is currently living with this type of cancer and it's grade 4, not stage 4.
Well, we're worse off for losing her, but I'm glad she went out the way she preferred. Hopefully her brave work in a desperate situation will mean other people with terminal illness will have more options about their end-of-life care.
Good for her. Going on her terms. GBM is a terrible way to die.
Glad that she got to say goodbye on her own terms.