
Think about how exhausting it must be to be Amanda Palmer, to be so consistently annoying and incorrect. Oh, we all have our awful foibles: some of us have cruel senses of humor, are shitty drivers, are mean drunks. But to be so across-the-board egregious, to carve a statue of yourself atop Mt. Wrong and know that it

No her telling women to stop with the insults and "violent language" when they are discussing their reactions to sexual assault is tone-policing. Implying that Amanda Palmer is an asshole for silencing people is not.


"Is there an opinion so bad even Amanda Fucking Palmer can't hold it"

I TOTALLY do. I also won't even glance at a mirror in the dark. In our bedroom we have big patio doors and a full length mirror beside them and at night it's my scary place.

Really impressed by Tara Babcock's story.


I've seen so many horror movies and read so much Stephen King that usually these stories don't get to me — yesterday's weren't that bad at all, to me — but holy crap if The Next Cabin Over didn't just freak the shit out of me. We also live way back in the woods, and at night it's pitch black out here and I'm always

Oh man that Ghost Truck thing was terrifying. Goat man wins this round though-the waking up to find someone on the ground staring at you from inches away:

I have three kids and I totally agree. There is NO GODDAMN reason to bring your kid to a bar. I am not talking about a restaurant that serves alcohol (duh).

Some of them were (evil cackle) BURIED.

Wait until tomorrow. There are 5 there that genuinely gave me heart palpitations.

My sister and I were going through things and she randomly started laughing and said, "James won't like this".

" are 'spensive enough as it is."

If it has high chairs or booster seats, it's appropriate to bring them, but they should be gone before 8pm.

I go to a bar to drink & drown my sorrows about why I'm still single and non-spawned at my age (THANKS SOCIETY!) A baby at a bar just makes it worse.

Well, a baby in a nice country pub on a Sunday afternoon when everyone is enjoying a late lunch is one thing.

I think if the "bar" is really a pub that serves food, you can bring your baby to the bar for a meal. But if you're just going out and drinking? That's weird. Leave the baby at home.

When to Take Your Baby to a Bar: Never. Jesus fuck, people, don't have babies if you think you can just carry on your adult life without making any changes or sacrifices.