He really thinks highly of himself, doesn't he?
He really thinks highly of himself, doesn't he?
That was the biggest red flag for me in his little statement from yesterday. When he said that what he did with his partner was like Fifty Shades of Grey, I immediately thought, oh so you mean your sex life is like a book about an abusive, controlling asshole who doesn't respect boundaries?
I'm suspicious of anyone who blabs incessantly about how kinky they are. Everyone is quick to claim they have some kink or "fetish" these days. Getting aroused by titties, for instance, is not a "fetish;" hate to break it to you but you basic. And being a misogynist is not a protected sexual class. The More Sexually…
Anyone who compares Fifty Shades of Grey to real BDSM is a fucking idiot tool in my book.
FFS, people just do not understand consent and I don't see why it's so hard. I mean apply it to the most basic of concepts.....say, riding in a taxi. I hail a cab and consent to you giving me a ride in exchange for me paying you. That doesn't mean you get to just come grab me off the street, throw me in your cab, and…
I think I once read on a blog that said something to the tune of, in a healthy BDSM relationship, it's the submissive partner that holds the most power. It's like taking a taxi, the Dom may be driving, but it's the Sub who decides where to go and when to get off.
On Monday morning, I woke up to a Facebook post by Canadian radio host Jian Ghomeshi defending his so-called BDSM sex
Yup, yup, yup. I'm Toronto-based, and it's been a weird 24hrs on Facebook, watching people I like "like" his post and reading the comments he got. Being a known douchebag is, in and of itself, not a criminal offense, but it was disheartening how many people just want to believe this jaded ex-gf narrative. I was also…
OK, so I should preface this by saying that I am one of the most skeptical people on Earth. Whenever I hear any ghost-related stories, I look for the most logical answer. However, I have had a few experiences recently that I honestly just can't explain. Here's one of them.
I have a close girlfriend - well, we've waned a bit in the past 6 years, but we love each other - whose brother and nephew have a similar story.
This is the closest thing I have to a ghost story. It isn't scary, but it is haunting.
Anyone else picturing this as like a 90s Tim Burton movie with Johnny Depp playing James?
We live in a hundred-year old brownstone. When we moved in, my second child was just starting to talk, and he would often talk to the wall, it seemed, and he would laugh and laugh. Once he started talking better I asked him who he was talking to and he answered, "The man." When I pressed him, he said, "The man who…
Totally a bear.
The upper back half of my parents house is haunted. Or posessed. I don't know, but it's wrong up there. When you go upstairs and open the door, there's a large room with a walk in closet, about 700sf. There's a hallway to the right with a little bathroom, and then a door that leads to the other half of the upstairs,…
Lets just tell masturbation stories, I didn't get caught, but when I was about 15 and in boy scouts, we had a 25 mile bike trip. Pretty much just took a couple hours on a saturday riding around some highways that no one used. I was a little slower than everyone else, so I found myself well behind the pack. Bike…
My grandfather (Papaw) died in a car accident when I was still an infant. Naturally, my mother - always a Daddy's girl - tried to insure that I had some idea and concept of him growing up. We had dozens of photos of Papaw and my grandmother around our home, and I spent my very early childhood with a solid idea of what…
This didn't happen to me, but to my cousin's ex-husband, and the aftermath was seen by quite a few people, including my mom/uncles. If you live somewhere rural, like me, you know there's a back road to almost everywhere. A house every few miles, no lights, etc. One night, my cousin's husband was driving down one of…
So it's the early 70s/mid 70s. My dad's driving around late at night in either Wisconsin or Michigan (don't recall which, he was traveling across the country). He's on the highway and he suddenly sees a light behind him, like one of those undercover cop cars. He pulls over, and so does the cop car. He waits for the…
Mine is not about ghosts but it is weird, and I SWEAR it is true.