
Also, he has a little whiny, baby voice. Ewwww.....

Don't let this go to your head

Delaware will always be where the incredibly bitchy man on the tour bus in Mexico was from. I remember because he gave the nice Mexican woman pointing out the sights hell because she didn't know U.S history. "It's the first state!" he said in an exasperated voice. "It was?!" My smart ass had to yell from the back of

She made it a point to specify that hate speech is a valid reason to fire somebody.

1)So what about pictures that are posted online by people who are not you? People have been fired because of revenge porn posted by asshole ex-boy/girlfriend. Some asshole ex friend might take pictures from your locked facebook account and post them for all to see (keep in mind that things as harmless as having a beer

Imagine being able to be magically whisked away to...Delaware.

I know what you mean. The problem is that it has become so much the norm to shield away any borderline-sketchy pictures of yourself that if an employer can find one, it seems to suggest that this person spends more time posing in a bikini or downing jello shots than would be healthy or normal. When the vast majority

He's just savvier than the rest of the GOP. He's looking at getting votes from Dems and more moderate republicans when he runs for president in 2016.

what is going on?! A repub who won't waste money on a fight they won't win? Am I in bizarro world again?

nope. I guarantee you the cocktail waitresses in Vegas are not allowed to wear manly boots and jeans. Neither are bank tellers (I was one for 5 years). There are a *ton* of jobs where women's clothing choices are highly restricted to what's considered 'appropriate'. And as a high-heel loving woman, I *cannot* wear the

I thought most women talk about their sex lives with their friends because it's fun to talk about (that's why me and my friends do it)

That REALLY depends on your workplace. I don't know about your office, but tennis shoes or work boots are not considered appropriate attire at mine. I mean, hey, I'm the type who likes to find one really good pair of comfortable shoes and wear them into the dirt. But a lot of women and men enjoy coordinating

The reason I have so many shoes? Because I have a difficult to dress body shape (hourglass, and no, it is not easy to dress when there is a 16" difference between your boobs and waist and arse and waist), I never feel all that comfortable in clothes (at least not affordable, stylish clothes). But shoes...I like my

While we're on the subject... hey dudes: protein consumption is not an indefinite upward climb of muscle gain. Beyond a certain point, all you're doing is increasing your risk of kidney stones. And you'd be much better off simply eating meals with good sources of protein than drinking meathead milkshakes.

This is flatly untrue: Men's fashion has made it clear that the only acceptable context for a man wearing sandals in public is after he's become an eccentric tech billionaire.

Unfortunately, it depends on your audience. Some of the stricter fashion rules are getting relaxed as time goes by and society changes, but there are still plenty of folks who will look down their noses at you for wearing the "wrong" thing in certain situations. It's particularly problematic at events like dinner

And aren't some of these hilarious cliches about themselves? As if men never talk to friends about their sex lives (real or imagined)? Hello? Anyone remember high school? And bad movies? There have certainly been quite a few fortunes made marketing dumb movies with explosions and car chases to men. And the size

I don't know why the idea that women are people and therefore each one is different seems to be so hard to grasp for some dudes. I just love it when men inevitably start a conversation by referencing a hilarious cliche about how women are and what we like. Thanks for defining me around trite stereotypes of my sex! I

Why so many shoes?

Why won't men admit The Boondocks Saints is shit?