
Time-lapse GIF of Patrick Stewart aging:

Hahahah this is the best dirt bag I ever read—fucking hilarious!

Considering she got it in the traditional Maori method rather than every other douche getting a random Maori-esque swirly pattern at Tattoos 'R Us, I'd put it more under appreciation than appropriation.

I've said it once, I'll say it again. Someone get that girl a tongue scraper. That white shit is nasty!

Buried in the now customary jezebel Miley-snark is a clue to the shrewdness of Miley Cyrus: iTunes has taken her name off listings for Hanna Montana, and the Hanna Montana movie now lists as its star, Hannah Montana. Consider how much it takes, how bad you must be, for major corporations to pull the plug on using your

re: Vanessa Hudgens & grandmothers. I once asked my grandma what a steer was. She told me, 'it's a gentleman cow that something's been done to.'

Munch leaving SVU is depressing. But I still have Cragen, so at least there is that.

Munch should leave via alien abduction or something involving the FBI.

I think it's worse because it's essentially a bastardization of what is normally an act that requires the utmost trust, love, and intimacy. But given that virginity is socially constructed as the utmost virtue for women, it's possible that there's a component of rape's "badness" that feeds off of that societal

The idea that penises aren't dangerous or can't hurt you IS pleasing. But it's pleasing in a sort of "world peace sounds nice!" sort of impossible way. And while advertising and the tie of the penis to a man's sense of worth and masculinity should probably stop, I feel like we should also take a second to admit


Yep. They are more likely to drop dead of a heart attack in their 40s, so if anything, it is runners who live to 80 who are making it more expensive for everyone.

I agree with your last two points, but as long as people keep denying that access and affordability of healthy foods is a major problem, I am not optimistic. So, so many times this comes up as a moral issue, as if you are a personal, moral failure if you are fat. Until we stop talking about this in those terms, the

Somehow I never hear the calculation of how much 10, 20, 30 additional years of being alive will cost for those who don't die prematurely of obesity-related illnesses. That's a lot of check ups, flu, dental appointments, and geriatric care!

If you aren't constantly counting calories, you might actually have to be ... alone with yourself.

Try not to scream too loud. It can get a little scary!

But if I can't make myself feel better by pointing out other peoples' failings, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE MYSELF FEEL BETTER?

Agreed about that. But that can't be changed. I really think there's a policy of not bashing each other or making sure to come at it as a united Jez front.

+1 to everything Burt said. Doug's take on the article was SUCH a record-scratch moment. And that's my reaction from DOUG, who is a writer I always expect to be clueless and stupid. I was honestly shocked that he was able to treat this subject in the way that he did and NOBODY at Jezebel stepped in and said "erm,

Oh Erin, we all knew you'd do a good job delving into this issue. It's just that, there were at least two articles up in the past few days here and another GM outlet. And gurl. They were not good. And sure, Gawker and Rich J are what they are. I don't expect more than LOL CLICK COUNTS LOL TRAFFIC LOL COMMENTER RAGE

I really appreciate that you wrote this. I hope there was some kind of conversation with Doug and the author of the Gawker article about their pieces. For a website that spends a lot of (important) time speaking against victim blaming, it really was atrocious and disheartening that a piece mocking someone for