
Dov Charney: Gooooooood! Your hate has made you powerful, Jezebel. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your place at my side!

Clinic defense is cool. We work to make sure that patients can access abortion services comfortably and without restraint from protestors.

Most of the official guidelines on trans related health care are "going by experience," actually. It's not like there's a ton of official, peer-reviewed research on trans people out there... most endocrinologists are making it up as they go, and the kinds of things I'm talking about are things that endocrinologists


Here's what I think would have happened if things had been going well, or even sort of well.

Was this the girl who ran away screaming? If so, he may have a point...

Maybe they have allergies. And sometimes the personalities of cat people and dog people differ—that is if they are staunchly one thing or another. Personally, I would be turned off by anyone who is anti-pet. And the fact that my now-husband had a dog was big turn-on for me. I love an animal lover. That said, I'm

Does her insurance cover therapy with a licensed mental health counselor? Arguably not a "psychiatric professional" so no need to disclose. Also, if she's a lawyer, the Wisconsin state bar may have counseling referral services. Anxiety and depression are endemic to the legal profession.

Dude. Were we just Bunny Bombed?

Theory: This man's bunny is actually psychic and is warning women away from dating this man. Excellent work, young bunny! Keep trying to scare them off, and if all else fails and it seems like they will have sex with him, keep running into the room and giving the "Danger! Danger!" sign.

When I had pertussis a couple of years ago I was told I was contagious until I took the antibiotics—which didn't make me feel any better but made me non-contagious. I was sick for 4 months, so I had a solid 3 months of walking around infecting people before anyone could figure out what I was sick with. You don't

YES YES YES. Even if I had to choose between autism and horrible diseases for my hypothetical children, I'd choose autism. One, I can live with, and can get help for, and we can all join support groups, and the school will assist me, and I'd still have my kid. The other, my kid could die from something I could have

That's great that you have a graduate degree. I have a PhD in Immunology and Virology. Does that make me qualified to come to your classroom and tell you how I think your teaching style is bullshit? Am I qualified now to tell you how you're teaching a class of children wrong? Should I just pull my kids out of school

That is so appalling. My dad had three siblings die of whooping cough, and my grandmother I'm sure would have KILLED for a safe, simple vaccine to save their lives. And now people are CHOOSING to let their kids get it?! Surely that has to fall under the heading of child abuse.

As someone who had a near fatal reaction to the pertussis vaccine (and thus a living example of what these parents fear), let me state for the record that these people are fucking morons. Seriously. People who refuse to vaccinate their children are the worse sort of reckless idiots.

Oooof, man. Why do we always have to have these stories about the young kids of celebrities just doing young kid things? Eminem's daughter isn't getting arrested, she isn't auditioning for Big Brother UmpteenMillion, she isn't running around with the Kardashians—she's just trying to do normal kid things in a normal

Tie those fuckers down and jab them with a shot. Jonas Salk didn't spend his life on this shit for it to be discredited by Jenny fucking McCarthy.

That's what terrfies me. I had a baby 4 weeks ago and I myself wasn't fully vaccinated against whooping cough until 7 months pregnant. I wasn't given the full series of pertussis vaccines as an infant because I had a mild reaction against it. We decided it was worth the risks to protect the fetus. People like this

But... But...

Yes, but you can't deny that Nirvana changed modern music in more significant ways than grown men in Halloween makeup and platform booties.