
"Chuck Lorre steals my jokes for his show. I know because I've seen it and its not funny at all."

So a couple of things.

I don't even know how to respond to this, so good job.

Billy Ray Mullet. You get all the cookies for this.

Sinead O'Connor is not a member of the lucky sperm club. Her parents had an ugly divorce. She was abused by her mother. After shoplifting as a teen, she wound up in a Magdalene Asylum. Sinead got to where she is because of talent. That her talent is interwoven with mental illness makes her success even more striking.

I don't think this is giant baby-ish so much as supremely bizarre.

Maybe really short shorts underneath? That happens to me sometimes with the wrong shorts/shirt combination.

Yeah I wasn't a fan of the "behaving like a prostitute" bit, but I'm still with Sinead overall. Making fun of mental illness is such an asshole thing to do.

The headline says 'OUT OF CONTROL', but with all these assistants doing all this shit for her, doesn't that suggest that she's very much in control?

This is nothing. The first time I got more than 50 'recommends' on a Jezebel comment, I made LoniManderson put an add in Variety seeking some assistants to help me in my daily commenting tasks. It was called 'MINIONS TO WALLOW AT MY FEET' and specified that I need two, 'robust, sprite young fellows' to 'compile a

Look, if the phrase "you people" is ever about to come out of your mouth, stop, take a deep breath, and walk away.

Actually she can. Especially considering we all have an opinion about sexism and stereotyping against women in games and well... its her article.

When she said "no such trope", wasn't she referring specifically to the "damsel in distress" thing?

I think she's correct in that there's not really a tradition of "guy in distress" in fiction, where he has to be rescued by a woman.

That doesn't, however, mean that there aren't other stereotypes about men in fiction

There are some areas of genuine concern for men. For instance, there are some issues with how the legal system handles child custody. There are certainly problems with how society regards and responds to domestic violence or rape when committed against men.

The problem with a lot of MRAs is that they try to use these

"I WILL smack the shit out of any that I meet for the simple fact of being a whiny bitch."

We love you, Bobby. You are a beautiful lady. You are magnificent. Your mustache is fierce. PLEASE STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO EAT MY FACE!!!!

The crowd begins to roar "BOB-BY! BOB-BY!"


You're a bucket of wrong dumped into an overflowing toilet clogged with chunks of wrong.