
Or how about posting less bullshit?

'blind hate and prejudice being flung at me'.

I've been designing a superhero group, and only two of the women have "large" busts (probably a D and a DD if I had to guess by my sketches) but it's noted how carefully designed their costumes have to be for support (the bigger girl's top is essentially a sports bra that happens to be long enough to tuck into her

As a woman who often has discussions with women about what they want for their breasts, it's far, far more common to hear a complaint of "my breasts are too big, they're painful, bras are expensive" than "my breasts are too small, guys don't like them enough".


You're an idiot. Not because you clearly love boobs and have built up a world in which they are provided for your benefit and anyone who doesn't appreciate them the way you do must suck it up or do exercises, but because you...wait no, that actually is the reason you're an idiot.

"I know a lot of women feel differently but having is often not considered to be the 'genetic jackpot'"by women who actually have them. If you know all women think differently then why are you presenting a generalization as a norm?

I have an athletic figure and 34B breasts that I love. They allow me to be active without being uncomfortable or going to great lengths to strap them down, I can fit into any kind of tops and dresses, I never have to worry about showing too much cleavage at work, I can go braless for comfort when I like, they never

Ugh. The unwanted attention. I hit 34 C at age twelve. It was bad enough having all the boys in school snapping my bra or grabbing at me as I walked by, but the leering and catcalls from adult men, including teachers and my father's friends really freaked me out. By the end of high school I was 34 EEE. Add to that, my

I high school friend of mine was kinda petite but had huge breasts. When I reconnected a few years after high school, she was saving up for the reduction and after she got it... it was hard to argue with the decision seeing how much she changed inside and out.

Yep. I'm a 36H/I and they're heavy, it makes it EXTREMELY difficult to exercise because I have to strap them down with crazy expensive sports bras and it makes breathing difficult, my regular bras cost a minimum of $60 (and that's when I can find them on sale) and I have to order them online because no stores carry

I hear women complaining about their breasts being too large all the time. Either you aren't listening or you've shown that any time a woman does complain about it, you're going to dismiss whatever she says.

"There are general ideals that most people desire."
Yeah, that most people desire to see. Not walk around with. C-cups (like mine) are certainly big enough to fill a racy dress and create ample cleavage. Meaning, they are already the generic "ideal" you are talking about. Covetous even. Ain't no way I or most other

I don't know who you're talking to, because my large-bosomed sistren complain about it ALL THE DAMN TIME. I would too if I had boobs so big they gave me back problems, constantly diverted attention, or made fitting into anything difficult.

Because the main way breasts are displayed in comics are of the basketball-under-the-skin type. Not much in the way of variety at all. There's definitely more wiggle room as to how men are portrayed in comics than women, and it's stupid and frustrating as a woman to give a damn about comics sometimes when all thats

HEAR HEAR Kotaku. More artists need to know how to draw and not just appeal to guys who have clearly never seen breasts before.