
I'm with you. Chains are "safe" where I live. I have a nut allergy and since I live in a very small midwestern city that doesn't give a shit about allergies, local places lack allergy menus and basic knowledge of what is and is not safe. Places like Outback and Houlihan's have really good allergy menus. When in

I'm an Army brat myself, so I've had the privilege of growing up all over the world. I'm in my 30's now, but I can remember a time when I would've turned my nose up at pomme fritz that were prepared anywhere but Dusseldorf.

...I like to think of that period of my life as being called, "adolescence." Most folks move

I think all the darden hate (the hate about the food, rather than the corporate practices) is pretty snobby. Seafood is actually one of the few things I'm snobby about, and I'm totally cool with RL. You just have to know what to order—I always get something from the fresh fish menu, and they prep it pretty much any

Ok. I get that you all in big cities and on the coasts have hella food choices and Olive Garden is so pedestrian and beneath you, but damn, Olive Garden is my jam. And out here in flyover country, it's considered a viable option. I mean, don't propose there or anything, but

Occasionally I wish I could work for a place like this, and then sue. (I have a medical issue that requires an IUD.) Just to really fuck with them. (Then again, I love watching people flounder when they learn I'm not just childfree by choice, but have two very significant medical reasons why I can never carry a child

I still don't understand this. Your employer-sponsored medical coverage is a form of employee compensation - the employer pays part of the premiums as an employee benefit, and the employee pays the rest. So are we really saying it's acceptable for companies to dictate how their employees spend that compensation,

My spouse's mother asked me if I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby the other day and I told her no, because of this shit. She stared at me like I'd sprouted wings. I know this is only sort of related to the story, but dammit, it felt good. I might go get myself a cookie.

Wow, a lot of people in this thread really have no idea what being an "ally" means. As in: do not speak for other women, especially if you are are a privileged white woman who is assuming she knows what the "real" problems are for someone else. I know you know this, but jesus, this thread is depressing. Being an ally

It's not a waste. I'm so glad you commented. Basically what I've been trying to say is that Muslim should be able to speak for themselves, so I think your voice is incredibly important. Don't be scared away from Jezebel because some people are ignorant. You speaking up as a Muslim woman is WAY better than me

wowwwww. yeah, what hermionepond said above. i read jezebel every day and it make me think and look at things critically and differently, and then islam or muslims are mentioned, and comments like willa's and mscinephile's pop up. as a headscarf-wearing, brown, religious muslim woman raising two children as muslims,

I run an non-profit in South Africa for pregnant teens. I work full time so in the evenings after work I log on to Mxit (SA mobile social network) and subscribers (over 24000 now) can send me anonymous messages via live chat to ask questions. Huge lack of support both emotional and practical. Abortion on demand up to

Well, fuck that person and their ugly soul. I feel pity for them that they have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives.

It is a grotesque violence against women to not be able to choose a safe pregnancy termination.

If someone in my house says they have a headache and I tell them I have aspirin, do I need to justify my medical training to do so? It's not like she's using some secret family recipe that she swears works wonders, the pills she's sending are made for this express purpose.

This is my argument to any anti-choicer. Making abortions difficult to obtain, or outlawing them entirely, doesn't stop abortion. What it DOES result in is: dead women. This is an immutable equation. And should be on the conscience of anyone who tries to restrict access to safe, cheap and established reproductive

I just felt ill reading this whole article. :( I can't believe some women have to go this to terminate a pregnancy. This is so unfair and unsafe for everyone. I am glad the author is doing what she can to help women in such scary, vulnerable positions.

During WWII, my Nana, Grandfather, Mother and Aunt were bombed out of London. They moved to the country, and lived in a 10x10 shack my Grandfather built. My mother was born in 1940, my aunt in 1942. In 1943, living in a 10x10 shack, on rations, during a war that her husband was actively serving in, my Nana got

Thank you for risking your livlihood to help desparate women, although I do hope we can get to a point where you are no longer needed.

Please let us know when science identifies visual markers for fitness, since fitness is found in people of a vast range of sizes. Good on you for sticking to your ignorant, fat shaming ways despite the numerous times we talk about fitness for fat people.