Yup. I tried to watch Dead Poets Society over the holidays and it hurt enough that I turned it off.
Yup. I tried to watch Dead Poets Society over the holidays and it hurt enough that I turned it off.
Me too. I can’t bring myself to watch any of his movies, even though I know I should.
Robin Williams' suicide.
I don’t believe it’s that benevolent.
I work in the tv and film industry, and there are a few circumstances on set where eye contact is detrimental to the cast. One of the first things you’re taught on set is to not stand in an actors eyeline during a take, and definitely don’t stand there staring while we’re rolling.
The planet that makes that height and weight come in just under an obese rating. What. A. Coincidence.
Obviously and with no shame or regret I hope he suffers, but I can’t help but think how much worse he’s going to be if he comes out of this diagnosis and is lucky and only experiences some minor symptoms. I’m hoping the fact that he hasn’t tweeted since last night means it’s pretty fucking bad. And, once again, if…
Yeah, I’d have been fine with the first part of the statement about how the show is named after her, so she takes responsibility for its running issues. Instead we get a huge, qualified “but.” It’s one of those non-apology “apologies.” The “I’m sorry my staff can’t comprehend and internalize my goodness enough that…
“As we’ve grown exponentially, I’ve not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew I’d want them done. Clearly some didn’t. That will now change and I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again.”
DeGeneres herself
wrote a lettersigned a letter written by a PR flack to the show’s crew this week apologizing to staff and addressing the allegations
I work in the film industry (the union world, bigger shows and movies) and the reason they will continue to have stand-ins is the film unions. Unions have fought a long time to have the crew staffing requirements that we have, and if sets become bare-bones due to the pandemic, there’s no way we’re going to have the…
The document is disappointingly vague but the last thing we want to see is “skeleton crews” and positions being eliminated. Stand-ins are included because they are essential to the work of making films and television, to suggest that they be excluded from covid planning altogether is irresponsible.
The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?
While Edge gets talked about a lot in terms of changing game dynamics I wonder how much an influence having everybody (except Sandra) in the jury is going to have. I feel like everyone is talking about Edge while having a bigger voting pool with a lot of different dynamics will have a bigger impact on deciding the…
I wanted to un-gray you because I love your screen name and appreciated the thoughtfulness of your comment.
Honestly, he didn’t look that angry. As in, this felt calculated in a way to further normalize the country into the idea that press conferences will be cancelled or ended abruptly if the president doesn’t like the line of questioning.
I loved it, i needed few more seasons
“It has been a high hoagie to serve the Presidul and the Ammmumm Joseph as @ satan secretag. We hum reitare am publum lards ‘lmm the honobob ad anjgnal ob te poople ; severed poble amms, and stool mmmm he hold halga agoon to on onagg needs. God Dless Ammumm ad thee wb delad hops.”
Someone should call up the writers of…