They’re pretty fucking dumb.
They’re pretty fucking dumb.
Barr gets grilled March 31st. March 31st ... like a month & a half from now. Just imagine what fucknuttery, what crimes and utter horseshit injustices will happen in the next 45 days. This only gets worse folks. We are beyond the pale.
Hoarding infectious waste is definitely weird, especially keeping it in your car, but it seems much less harmless than allowing a 10 year old to give birth.
“the German-born doctor, who once came under fire for performing an abortion on a 10-year-old girl who was raped by her uncle”
“When pressed on the issue by Twohey, Rotunno claimed that the blame should “rest equally.” Men should be held accountable for forcing themselves on women but women must also accept the blame for not being careful enough, or purposeful enough in their intentions, or stronger.”
“There are legitimate reasons for abortion. There are no excuses for child molestation.”
To me, the best one matter how bad of a person you long as you “accept Jesus” right up to before you die, you good to go.
The divine moral argument of the Catholic church turns out to be, “but did you die tho?”.
I got into a decent amount of shit in theology class at my Catholic high school for maintaining the position that Thomas Aquinas’ Five “Proofs” of God played fast and loose with the term “proof” and did not actually prove anything. Because they don’t. A collection of stunning syllogisms, sure. But proof of a divine…
Very interesting that he chose to go with that particular transgression.
Pedophilia absolutely kills people. They might want to damn a suicide to hell but a victim of CSA kills themselves I don’t believe that blood is on anybody’s hands but the people who did it and the people who ALLOWED it. Like fuckface clergy like this asshole. Not even to get into overdoses or accidental deaths from…
“I don’t know what more evidence I should have to present.”
There are legitimate reasons for abortion. There are no excuses for child molestation. I attended Catholic schools and I can assure you that there was all kinds of improper things going on that were swept under the rug. I don’t understand how a vow of celibacy has an asterisk when coming to children, but hey! I don’t…
Totally agree. On a slightly separate note, much of the “vegan” clothing and accessories trend annoys me as a lot of it is just plastic that will be thrown out next season. I have had the same snakeskin bag for almost 10 years because it is gorgeous and very well made, so I can keep using it, and the leather spa can…
Awh, poor babies. I’m so glad no one had cell phone cameras at my middle school dances.
To make it even worse, the “head to toe snakeskin” is faux leather, and the “fox fur stole” is actually shearling.
Ugh, no. She knew who Jeffrey Epstein was, and she took his money anyway. She is defending Andrew as the best man she knows, all while she knows he is shady as hell. She is all about how to get money and status for herself. I do think that back in the day the tabloids treated her badly, but she is not a good person.…
She replied pretty graciously, IMO. And honestly, I’m a vegetarian who doesn’t wear leather or animal products, but there is a better way to get your message out than their methods, which are gross.
Yeah no, I’m with Jessica. Not that I think they’re of the devil or whatever, but it is really uncool to attempt to derail a woman talking about her experience with sexual abuse and alcoholism. Stay on topic, protestors. When she talks fashion you can interrupt.
Collins is correct. He did learn a lesson. And the lesson he learned is that he can do whatever the fuck he wants and his base and republicans in the house will support it.