
It’s kind of interesting reading this just a couple days after the AV Club article about ‘Undercover Boss’, because it puts the comparison fresh in my mind. This is absolutely a reality show ‘Undercover Boss’-style stunt. Rather than pushing for any kind of systematic change, they chose ONE LUCKY WINNER to get the

“No parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government school.”

* Except that kid and the other kids. It ain’t their fault their parents are the fucking worst. 

Potentially controversial hottake incoming

Yes yes thank you. I really don’t understand the point of articles like this. We know Mitt Romney is a conservative Republican who literally is everything the opposite of a socially progressive liberal. Of course he votes and voted for garbage legislation and has garbage ideas (we know! he ran for president already!).

The other thing Romney’s vote does is to give the impeachment added historical weight as the only instance of a senator voting to convict a president of his own party during an impeachment vote. Trump is forever stained. 

The vote today was legitimately the best plausible outcome we could have hoped for going in. Romney’s clearly looked at the Republican caucus, then looked at his own approval numbers in Utah, then looked back at the president and the caucus and said, “You know what, I don’t need any of you. Watch this. And then try to

Do I like Mitt, or agree with most of his positions? No.

I’m not inclined to praise Romney, but I’d rather focus on the craven idiocy of people like Susan Collins, who graced us with the laughable horseshit that she felt comfortable voting to acquit Trump because she felt he had learned his lesson, as if he hadn’t spent the entire preceding 4+ months claiming the call was

I like Nancy Pelosi ripping up the speech; as others have noted, it’s a small gesture to keep the Democratic base reminded of how much of a shit 45* is.

And there's an excellent chance he'll get a second term. At this point, I've accepted it.

Trump is a rube. He’s a churl, an oaf, a vulgar bully who spent his life vying to be one of the upper crust of NY’s richest and most cultivated old families and somehow managed to learn NOTHING about class and manners. I've scraped things off the bottom of my shoes with more class than him, and his followers. 

The baller move was her statement about ripping it up: “it was the courteous thing to do considering the alternative.” God DAMN!

A friend of a Facebook friend who is a Trumpette posted this nonsense:

By riling up Trump’s base, she managed to take Trump’s SOTU address and get conservative media outlets focusing on her instead.

I’m drunk and one could consider this a shitpost, but to all the people who have been heartily denying the dirtbag leftist online activity in recent G/O posts I merely direct you toward Ilhan Omar’s twitter feed where she is being hounded en masse for daring to give Pelosi an ounce of credit for her unprecedented SOTU

You didn’t use all caps, but it still reads very all caps.

i have never in my life wanted more to reach through my computer scream and grab a person by the throat and choke the life out of him. HOw dare he. How fucking dare he. He’s a fucking traitor and a rapist and a criminal and he’s up there giving fucking rush fucking limbaugh a god damned medal like it’s a special

I’m not sure how long this will be accessible on the inter webs but former Deadspin writers have gotten together to create unnamed temporary sports blog for this weekend. In the blog, Diana Moskovitz has a related article that’s definitely worth a read.

His wife isn’t allowed to grieve now? Or does the rape case somehow make the crash that killed 9 people any less tragic or make this any less traumatic for the remaining family members, including this poor woman who just lost her husband and daughter?