
Thank you. We are not human shields for the less stigmatised members of the community.

Dear Muggles: Please stop thinking of us as a human shield to use as a buffer for socially acceptable women against creeps and monsters. Because that is a super fucked up way to think about other people, which is what we are. 

Incels need to be as far away from women as humanly possible.

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Its politics... it always comes back to politics. I don’t want to get into the specifics of it but Canadian Criminal Justice is VERY oriented towards rehabilitation even if that person may not be ready. Very few people, even some of the worst murders get actual life in prison, regardless of how violent the crime. To

Ya, that isn’t a solution. An incels problem is not the lack of sex that is a symptom, an incels problem is the profound self-loathing and misplaced anger that drives people away from them. Making them pay for sex wont do anything, it might even make it worse. The only way to help an incel move on is to admit to

He was deemed a “Moderate Risk” of violence and he was let out into the community... yes the Canadian Justice System at its finest right here. Then he was sent by an Officer of the Court to engage in sort of illegal acts (prostitution law can be complicated) with a woman who due to engaging in illicit activity was

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Quebec is also where Karla Homolka currently lives with her husband and children. Yes, the serial killer who raped and killed her own sister. Yes, the same woman who got the Deal with the Devil, 12 years incarceration, in exchange for flipping on her serial rapist husband. No, I can’t let it go.

Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!

And TMZ is now reporting that one of his daughters was on board the helicopter - and of course because this is TMZ and they have no shame, they’ve already named which daughter it is (I’m not going to do that here, at least). A minor, getting named in the news like that. Jesus Christ.

I worked for this kind of person - in the Bay Area, no less - and to call it an “absolute fucking nightmare” would be a serious understatement.

This person’s toxicity really shows through in the followup.

$86K seems a bit low for what is, essentially, a 24/7 on-call job.

not the moustache, its the dude that wears it ... Ex. A

WOW Jon Schneider was, and remains, a snack.

Dafuq is with that IG pic? Is that his “least reliable meth dealer in Oklahoma” look?

ugh, here, take your star.

The royal family is a white hegemonic colonial institution that predictably protects sexual abusers over the only person of colour in the family. I am glad they got out from that insidious family. 

Oh, MBS. Hacking phones, hacking up journalists. He’s a prince, that one.