
“I wasn’t wrong,” Dershowitz replied. “I am just far more correct now than I was then. …

To our eternal shame, this moron is in charge of the UK because other morons voted for him. This guy...

OMG this! I realize that aging is a bitch and it will happen to all of us, but there are scads of evidence that learning ability, problem solving, decision making, retention, ability to understand and optimize technology and executive functioning all decline with age (some evidence that age 70 is when it is most

Boomers refuse to retire, mostly because they think the rest of us care deserve to hear what they have to say. About any-fucking-thing.

Peggy Siegel is 72 years old and has run one of the top showbiz PR firms in NYC for 40 years. Surely she must have a substantial nest egg. DOESN’T ANYONE JUST RETIRE ANYMORE?

Apparently she wants us to perceive that losing professional connections and respect for because she worked for a convicted and unrepentant pedophilia sex trafficking rape arranging rapist, who continued to rape children after finishing the slap on the wrist sentence he received thanks to his powerful friends, is

Canadian, here. How many Springfields do you guys have, again? 😜

Whoa. If she was giving advice to a client on managing bad publicity, is this the strategy she would be trying to sell?

We’re like 2000 miles from the capital. No one cares what happens out here.

Horse girl.

The whole dialogue around this thing is pissing me off! Andrew is the real liability/embarrassment here, and people are just dumping on Meghan and Harry.

Who knew Harry would come away from this entire thing being both the hot one AND the sane one? 

On Monday, he met with Boris Johnson

but grandma is appearing with her son, an unrepentant sex terrorist.”

Harry’s last go around as a rich and royal dude

So apparently it’s “okay” to assassinate a general from a sovereign country that we aren’t at war with, by saying “he was a bad man”. Are we going to drop bombs on Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin and anyone else we please in contravention of international law and commit war crimes under the auspices of “he’s a bad man”

No one with half a brain cared what you said when you were the mouthpiece of the most powerful dumbass in the world, why would anyone care what you think when you are letting your own thoughts slough out of that lie hole?

How dare you besmirch Wednesday’s good name by comparing this dumbass to her on any level. It’d be better to suggest that she’s wearing a Puritan-style outfit and perhaps her Puritan name is Dishonesty Dumbenough.

“Conservatives love to wax poetic about the glory of the Constitution, but what they love even more is to ignore the parts they don’t like and call it patriotism”