
If I'm paying you money, and you don't meet the schedule you agreed to, then you're reneging on a promise.

Um. I would not call Beyonce the most influential person in the world. Neither did Time. They said one of.

I have invited data journalist Reuben Fischer-Baum to discuss this spreadsheet and what it may indicate about the sexual prowess of the guy who made it.

I agree and I posted a similar comment. The fact of the matter is, you can turn the comments off and you should. YouTube is a cesspool for mouth breathing assholes to anonymously spew hateful, barely literate garbage. The comment section is worthless and should be omitted all-together. No one uses YouTube as their

When talking about Chicago, Kanye West once rapped, "I met this girl when I was 3 years old." Odds are that the girl was shot over the weekend.

I agree, still a disgrace of a decision. I think there are probably 10-15 players who deserve the award more.

Did he deserve the Golden Ball? No.

Nothing says I like throwing money in hole more than an owning a maintenance intensive 11 year old European luxury car.

You know what? "Uh, well, we're going to keep posting it because people read it" is a TERRIBLE defense. There are so many things wrong with these posters I could write a dissertation on them. You're smart enough to know why propagating fucking Disney princess imagery should be questionable on a site that profits off


Also this is horrendously hetero normative even though LGB+ folks suffer DV at roughly the same rate as straight people.

Oh, good grief. "General population" is a scientific term that refers to everyone who does not have the specific characteristic that is being discussed.

Except it's named after the Cooning process, developed by Edward Coon. Are we unable to differentiate between a surname and a racial slur?

Did you read my post? Did you understand it? Harassment is illegal. Has been for a while, and continues to be so. They're not saying running up to someone and forcing them into a conversation is legal.

I've been arguing for gumline technology forever.

Key evidence in FIFA's ruling:


Oh sure. But when J.J. Redick exercises the same option, he's a pariah.

I wonder what her goal was.