
And we say that they’re the immature ones.

Where has that discernment been for the last 5+ years of her career?

Also, a transgender female wouldn’t be into girls unless she also happens to be a lesbian, which is like 3% of the normal population and might be an even lower proportion of transgenders, meaning you might never encounter one.

Obviously no women of colour in that clubhouse...

This is good kinja.

Why are you trying to protect them? What do you know?

What community needs to be informed? He will never leave prison.

Receipts please.


Reading comprehension: “original concept” refers to originality within the Pixar canon, not applied to the whole of human artistic production.

You let an 8 year old have his own money? What loophole in child labour laws are you exploiting?

Ferrari have done well for themselves, despite the occasional spontaneous combustion.

It is actively, savagely bad, and the rambling of a man who would exclaim, “Facts!” after proffering forth an opinion.

So you’re argument is that both deserve summary execution?

Hey, you’re the one who claims it’s an “embarrassing" story.

I’m not sure you need to understand it, though.

Yep, just coincidence how every reason why she’s “incompatible” with this guy happens to be a class signifier in one way or another.

If the truth hurts, it hardly makes me self righteous

Whatever helps you feel better about it, I guess

A lot of thinly-veiled classism there...