whenever she participates in a race, but the only person capable of beating Ledecky is past versions of herself.
whenever she participates in a race, but the only person capable of beating Ledecky is past versions of herself.
Reports that Oprah was attending the Cubs game today remain unconfirmed.
The story of the A380 is fascinating, but the one with nurse Darlene and the baby has really shaken me.
we’re dealing just fine. mainly because our heroines have reinforced our knowledge that it’s okay to have our own opinions.
I’m sure Clinton has at least two firm opinions on it.
A good dog.
Rousey went on to say that she wants her next fight to be a rematch with Holm.
True, but hopefully they have careers as non athletes...
Too bad the referee should have caught that Suarez was inside the arc and the penalty area when Leo touched it.
Wow. If voodoo economics can’t work in Louisiana...
Ok. So Kayne is a musical genius some say.
I don’t understand this.
I identify as an A-10 Thunderbolt but does the news interview ME when I go running naked around the neighborhood yelling “BRRRRRRT!” No, it’s all police and lights and cuffs and “megan’s law” and shit.
GroupThink contributor?
It’s not a suspension bridge
I know right? He could have wrote a song about bitches or money or something. Can’t get enough of that.
He also doesn’t get the idea that comedy is about punching up not punching down.
Bethseda Furious — Want Exclusive Rights to Break Their Own Games
That’s nothing, Freddy Adu was 18 when he was 12.