
"You're My Fantasy," "Lock the Door," "Whatever I Want," "Forever Love" - if a woman was writing this shit, she'd easily be called a delusional psycho.

I also disliked the comment about her being "hieratic as an ancient Egyptian statue of a cat goddess." SHE'S BLACK AND COOL SO EGYPT CUS AFRICA AND BLACKNESS.

Everyone is blowing this is off as some weird fetish-y thing and missing Mark's larger point: this is becoming normal. Let me repeat that again: hardcore, extreme and often dangerous sexual acts, overwhelmingly involving women, are becoming more and more normalized. Things that should be seasoned fetishes and

Morocco is not a city. Marrakech is the city within Morocco where she was photographed.

"the profile of Nyong'o was written by Hamish Bowles, who calls the actress "cucumber-cool, as beautiful and hieratic as an ancient Egyptian statue of a cat goddess.""

I am 100% OK with the army "knocking" on doors to seize every gun in the United States. And if the Constitution isn't cool with that approach, well, I think the Constitution is kind if overrated anyway.

I'm not joking. Stories like this make me more and more convinced we need to rip that part right out of the constitution and piss all over it.

Alfred Draxler (no relation to Julian Draxler) was the longstanding sports editor of BILD, Germany's most read paper by far and generally the voice of beer-hall conservatism (remember how well beer halls worked for us in Germany?). This is a paper so intellectual that its name translates to PICTURE. Today, he edits

The best one was from Umbro's official Twitter account.

He is a good president (i wish that he was more liberal) but his foreign policy is barbaric, his love for drone strikes (recently there was a story in which a 4 year old had most of her face blown off and was kidnapped by US soldiers ) is disgusting. So i hope history is harsh on him and US population for being

You've called me an asshole twice. I get it, you don't like the anonymous commentator arguing with you. Now that we have settled that, you ended your screed by making a bizarre assumption that "I'm pissed of because a fat woman dared to take her clothes off"? I don't give a shit who takes their clothing off. Join a

More like Caroline Woznotexpectingthat!!!!11!

Have you considered updating your resume?

Miracle! I had no idea you were the great defender of men. I thought I was. You bitch!

This person was all about Pam Anderson and women in porn being victims the other day. They don't react well to criticism and they can't argue logically. It's like communicating with one big amygdala.

I wonder why you haven't written a long running, popular series of short videos. Oh wait, because it's much easier to piss on other people's works.

No. I'm not going to change my reading list to address your special needs, because I have another student who was in the Iraq war, and has different triggers, and another student who has an eating disorder and has different triggers. I have over 100 students. I cannot be guardian for all of their mental health

Bathroom picture seems like an invasion of privacy to me. Person is kind of a jerk.

Edit: If they set up a security camera in the main area of a bathroom, would you complain? I sure as hell would. Bathrooms are not the places for cameras. Especially when the subject is unaware. (And I doubt this person let anyone know