
when the dust settles, this comes out as an unconventional, yet effective way to avoid a conversation with jimmy fallon.

Because art is either good or bad, unless a white male produces it, at which point it must be measured according to both its quality and whether that person deserves to make it by virtue of their whiteness. These authors are children.

If you’ve never checked it out, Seinfeld2000 is amazing because it’s A). completely batshit insane and B). the guy who runs it has a genuine knack for spotting links between today’s pop culture and a 25-year old TV show.

Fuck you whitey! Your CISness has no place when it comes to these pies!

I think the author is playing pretty fast and loose with what constitutes a “great” job, internet.

I’m actually more offended that this is what The AVClub deems funny these days. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. This is not the AVClub I remember from just a couple years ago.

Again: Why are you bringing race/gender/sexuality into this? What the fuck does your coverage have to do with his RACE? His fucking sexuality??? Why does this site break everyone down into these components numerous times a day? Oh right, you are incapable of viewing people as individuals as you are

35 years from now we’ll get a Rogue One-esque prequel to The Last Jedi about the First Order-sympathizing scientist who designed the Resistance bombers to push their bombs out really slowly for no apparent reason.

Actually that nerd’s name was Doug and he was one of Homer’s college roommates also in an earlier episode. Oh, god I’m a nerd too....

Of course Christians aren’t persecuted in the U.S., but there’s also the “don’t be a dick” creed that more of us should live by. I like headlines that are witty, not designed to be shitty. 

I mean, I have no doubt that this movie is extremely stupid, but I doubt that there is less carnage then critically acclaimed, popcorn entertainment like Avengers. The only difference is that the guns are slightly fictionalized. guys do understand that other studios are withholding their back catalog deliberately from Netflix, either because other streaming services are paying more for exclusive rights or because they have plans to cut out the middleman and start their own streaming services, right? I mean, you keep using the words

The detractors are right. Everyone knows that Thor: Planet Hulk was the best movie of 2017.

Unless it’s The Last Jedi. Those dum fanbois just didn’t get it because they were so mad Luke was grumpy.

I don’t watch AV Club videos (on phone at work) so amuse myself by making up what very well maybe be in them.

Why add the “or” part? It’s not an or situation. His statement said that he didn’t want the controversy that follows him to be a distraction from the performances of the actresses. He did the thing everyone was saying he should do. The right thing. But yea, use this as another opportunity to shit on the guy who has

If I lived where ever this is, I would go there just to give them my money to reward them for this .

But you see the issue, right? We have many, many words that are intensifiers already. We have very few that mean “actually happened in a specific and literal sense.” So we’re just losing a tool from our toolkit the way we’ve lost “ironic,” and that’s sad.

I’ll give you the “good for her for going for what she thinks is hers.”

Michelle williams has half as much cache as Mark Walberg? Suuuuuure maybe with dawson’s creek fans.