
“Leia is now a vacuum of space surviving Jedi”

Because it’s an unfair strawman.

I didn’t say there weren’t any reactionary fans, I said most fans who dislike the movie had more reasonable complaints.

With the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, entitled “fans” have spent months now whining about any number of grievances, nearly all of which boil down to “Girls! Yuck!”

nearly all of which boil down to

Given the number of other articles on this network of sites that boil down to “If you didn’t like TLJ you’re probably a misogynist, racist, or not a real Star Wars fan” I find that very, very hard to believe.

What’s it like living in a bubble and ignoring everything that doesn’t conform to your worldview?

Well like I said, Grumpy Luke didn’t bother me. I was more put off by plot holes, repeated stupid decision-making by multiple characters that could be totally avoided if they just talked to each other, cheesy acting, cheap sets, and preposterous shit like Leia Poppins, “dropping” bombs in zero gravity, and space

Cutting that Finn/Rose sub-plot would be enough.

“We all should ignore right-wing trolls. Now here are a dozen articles about right-wing trolls.”

About 1/3 of the way into watching TLJ, I found myself thinking, “I think I think this might be a bad movie, am I supposed to be feeling this way?”

Or, and hear me out here, if you guys (all aggregation media) wouldn’t give the time of day to this edit job, no one would have even known it existed besides a small reddit group. Instead, you blast it out and give free press for a week, and then report on all the fall out.

Man, I do not get the love for Blade Runner 2049. Am I the only one?

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

Exactly. Flint could be where a species of hardened warriors comes from.

“Got a show about transsexual dragons here!”

The actual joke was the police ridiculing the parents of South Park for having “Let Mark Zuckerberg into your lives,” as a commentary about the inexorable-yet-voluntary creep of Facebook as a news and information source.

In the version of this episode that I saw, they did not attempt to sell anything at all - at least not in any way that I could detect. The name of a video-game was not mentioned to my knowledge etc... I am vaguely aware of the Coon-And-Friends world being molded into a video game, but I don’t remember what it’s called

“We’re just wondering why you stopped following us on Instagram.”

I mean, it was a pretty fabulous takedown of Facebook users and their general lack of understanding how they contributed to Facebook jumping into the fake news business. Zuckerberg was only there to get that point across more.