
lmao, it’s getting really hard to keep believing in humanity. Isn’t this the equivalent of a chef telling you exactly how long it should take for you to eat and digest their food?

Why does anybody give a shit about Netflix implementing this? It's an OPTION. There's a bunch of other fucking settings nobody ever uses on most applications.

Dudes Netflix isn’t going to sit you down and force you to watch Clockwork Orange on fast forward Clockwork Orange-style. People skip parts of movies all the time or never finish them or hardly pay attention while they're on.

I don’t want this feature. It is of no use to me. It’s obviously of use to some people. It’s an option that you would have to enable as a customer. It literally affects NO ONE. Shut up, Judd Apatow.

Sounds like he was trying to make a broader point about repression leading to abusive behavior rather than the specific cases but okay let's drag him

The film board shall also no longer fund films where the villain is: a person of color, a person of size, a person, non-affluent, differently abled, unattractive, a religious minority, gay, a gender nonconformist, a species nonconformist, neural atypical. 

This seems kind of dumb. Nobody actually sees actual people with facial scars on the street and automatically assumes that they’re evil henchmen. In movies it’s the combination of scars/actor performance/character doing bad things that makes us think of evil henchmen.

I don’t know if that’s entirely fair but there may very well be a valuable conversation to be had between the writer and the editor about what the goals of this coverage are, and whether this approach is the best one.

Christ, this is so spot on. This writer has no business covering TV shows.

I’m not one to criticise a journalist’s approach to, uh, journalism, but I find the AV Club’s South Park coverage to be just, like, so weird. The first-name basis with Matt Stone and Trey Parker, the attempt to reverse-engineer a cogent ideological statement out of every episode, the way you discuss theme as though

Much like the AV Club declared they were done with Kanye news?

It was a joke. Jesus Christ. Trump promises to eat babies and they still display most outrage at some comedians joke way over their heads.  

So the “surprising discoveries” the study made are:

B was the right move.

No shit. The solution to a non-existent problem is not to be forced to produce an episode of Bollywood Fan Fiction Simpsons.

lol he wanted them to produce his fan script? which sounds like a marty stu story?

FWIW, Solo has a significantly higher fan reaction on Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic than The Last Jedi. People didn’t see Solo for a variety of reasons (I’m not big on prequels or origin stories, so I passed), but it doesn’t sound as if the actual product was a disaster in any sense.

I will never cease to be amazed at how much damage Rian Johnson did to Star Wars. It’s mind-bogging that just one person could basically derail the biggest franchise in pop culture history. 

And we are just at the point where we’re gonna start making decisions about what comes next after J.J.’s. But I think we’re gonna be a little bit more careful about volume and timing.