
I love these articles because of the entitlement. “I liked what this show did and despite Netflix knowing that it wasn’t profitable, I want more!”

It’s Netflix. If people end up watching it, they’ll make another season. If not, then regardless of artistic or progressive or whatever other non-financial metric, it’s

Come on, this is just silliness.
“The world built by Supernatural creator Eric Kripke is somewhat confusing, one which establishes superheroes as both real people, but also the central characters in movies and TV shows and other cultural ephemera.” - You mean, exactly like a world that has superheroes would probably

Are you just looking for things to offend you? The notion that an arthouse director who has only directed dramas, comedies and the like would be offered to direct the majority of the movie and have someone who say, has done an action sequence before, handle the fight scenes in a multimillion dollar ACTION movie is

Unfortunately, we can’t look at the data in detail as most of it is proprietary, including most importantly, which films are designated as female led.
When movies like Force Awakens have Harrison Ford credited as the lead actor (So, not female led according to this analysis) something seems a little off. Then, look at

But those sweet sweet clicks.

All I want to do is ask those protestors who made the clothes they are wearing and weather wearing them means they are telling brown women and children their comfort/style is more important than those women and children’s abuse, degradation, poverty wages and occasional loss of a burning to death free existence.

I think it’s because if Solo was good and didn’t do well, there aren’t many explanations besides TLJ being awful. (Poor timing doesn’t work, Deadpool 2 crushed Solo in box office returns, despite being released about the same time.)

Personally, I think I’m done with Star Wars in cinema. They’re batting 50/50 with the

I don’t know about that at all. I think Solo mostly failed because TLJ was so godawful. That might just be me, but after sitting through TLJ (the first time in a Star Wars movie where I actively debated just leaving early) I had no desire to see Solo. Which turned out to be a shame; downloaded and watched it over the

Out of curiousity, if someone wears clothes made by children who occasionally burn to death doing so, (which is easily a larger moral failing/sin/crime than saying mean things) should we not be fans of those people as well?

Or is it only popular, easy causes that we should castigate people for?

Yes but being a show about a straight white comedian is a sin now, even if the people making it are straight white comedians.

Ahh good, a writing team from the largest Star Wars flop, I can’t imagine how this could be anything less than great.

I can’t believe I just read 6 paragraphs of this kid whining about Mr Tyson’s diction preferences.

Amazing, thanks! I probably forgot because of that hardass dean...

They talk about credits (remember Obi Wan negotiating with Han?)

In the books, if I recall properly, in the later ones, they mention some of the problems with the currency though, imperial credits obviously don’t have a backing government anymore, can the rebel alliance act as a bank? Some of the outlying systems

If you’re going to drop a Simpsons quote, attribute it to the right guy. Comic book guy didn’t ask about the magic xylophone, that’s an unnamed nerd. (Like how I feel now!)

And, does the video explain why no one else in escaping fleet realized they too could launch their doomed ship at hyperspeed at the enemy?

Ironic given the dickish snark from most of the articles on AVclub. Like, say the first review from today which starts: “Apparently, Netflix’s algorithm has identified a sizable chunk of viewers who are curious about Japanese yakuza, or gangster, movies but unwilling to watch anything that doesn’t star a recent Oscar

Pretty sure the kid in the toque is missing the point, despite his repeated assertions that he gets it.

Rockwell’s character is obviously the caricature the left has of the right, Mcdormand, equally obviously, is the right’s caricature of the left (literally a firebomb throwing feminist who assaults two kids for

I don’t think you’ve thought the logic of this through.

From Netflix’s perspective, you just need to get hooked by one thing. If that was Altered Carbon, you already know about it by now. If you get attracted by a brand new movie with a huge marketing promo in the Superbowl and afterwords get linked to a new similar

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To each their own. If I lived in NYC, that would be my new favourite bar.

I’m in, like, totally complete favour of not like, dumbing down language, y’know?

There’s enough stupidity in the world we don’t also need to support a word being used as its complete opposite.

It’s a business. Hollywood doesn’t hate women enough to ignore money. If more screentime for women led to money, there’d be more screentime for women. If we as consumers don’t seek it out and reward those efforts, they won’t happen.

This childish “Screenwriters should write more leading roles for Michelle Williams, and