
Look, you can disagree, but to label that with which you disagree screeching hysteria isn’t a particularly mature response to the world. It’s kind of on par with Limbaugh and his feminazis, or the autistic screeching meme.

Grow up kid.

“nearly all of which boil down to “Girls! Yuck!”” Just goddamnit avclub. Have you actually read any of the criticisms? Follow the debates, the threads, the reviews and sure, there are some assholes (though, the anti girls one, this is clearly kids baiting you and, like the Left always does, we took the goddamn bait)

It’s like you kids simultaneously didn’t read the book and thought that the sophmoric philosophy of bladerunner 2049 was deep. (oooooooh, dpes the AI of the AI have free will? How bluntly can we smack around this question?)
Altered Carbon is a an action sci fi book. Takeshi knows the world, that’s part of the charm;

Star Wars: And Everything Was Pretty Much Fine is not a particularly compelling tale to hang a new generation of movies on.” True, but the expanded universe did plenty to create new threats, dangers and issues, while introducing rocking new characters. Instead, oh, the rebellion is in the same state it always was?

You’re not helping though and just making things worse.
You have to decide which you want, a better world or to feel self righteous. The latter is easy, the former is often unrewarding but if we all go with the asshole self righteousness, we’re screwed as a society.

I think it feels clunky because they are following the same music cues and transitions as a 90s show like say, Star Trek the Next Generation.

I get wanting to be offended, but you’re not thinking things through.

Let’s start at the beginning. “Gender Confirmation Surgery” vs “Sex Change” Gender Confirmation Surgery is different than what’s being proposed. The child was born cis, the surgery is proposing the exact opposite, and in fact changing the baby’s sex.

If by normal science fiction, you want big explosions in space, this isn’t the right show for you. There’s plenty of explosions on other shows, watch those.

Science fiction has, at its core, been about speculation; how future or alien societies might work, how technology or different biology would affect society and

That, or you don’t watch South Park much. Before last season, where they laid into trump, season 19 had 1 episode about politics, which was a warning about trump (where my country gone). The rest was about political correctness (which, if you listened to interviews with trump voters is one of the reasons they support