
There is such a thing as political correctness. It’s not some right-wing boogeyman that destroys free speech, but nor is it completely non-existent either. I don’t understand why some people on the left are so reluctant to admit that there are some instances where political correctness is ridiculous (the Harvard

the phrase “sex change” hasn’t been accepted nomenclature for years

Fuck all haters - that was a great episode. I loved the touch of giving the kid the Rudolph at the very end. I kept thinking “How are they going to get out of this - Trek would wrap up with a ‘let people be who they are” ending. Where are they going with this?”

He’s the voice of the green blob who’s hitting on the doctor. Forgot the character’s name.

LOL. I know. The pilot was just so awkward that I never expected it to be as enjoyable as it is. It’s a grower though.

Cis (from urban dictionary)

I completely agree with you Nick and thought this was a great review, thank you! Man, that ending, I was sitting there waiting for the other shoe to drop... The Moclan doctor was a crew member in prosthetics, or the doctor was swayed by the female writer and poet’s revelation, or...something. I can’t believe they

RIGHT?!? JJA had so horribly mutated and mutilated the franchise with his non-reboot reboot, taking place in an alternate universe mind you, that people have totally forgotten that Star Trek was supposed to be about issues. Trek has always been at its best when it was less about action and melodrama and more about

We never got resolution with the Mexican dance off.

It’s a very Trek-like sci-fi show, it’s not like political commentary is at all out of place- particularly in this sort of broad “let people be different” stance.

What parts do you think were tone deaf/offensive?

I thought they handled fgm and cultural/moral relativity in a pretty deft (and funny) way. And I’m a cultural anthropologist who has to teach these topics to university kids all the time.

What would you say was offensive about it? I’m cis too so I probably missed something but it seems the writers were firmly on the side of the child being able to decide her gender, rather than having gender decided for her. It’s not a straight analogue to transgender situations and they never raise that issue but it

aaand the Orville continues to grow on me.

I thought it was gone for good ,but...