On a personal level I’d like to see the children taken away, but that isn’t just. It’s not going to happen either. The parents are going to have be a much more immediate threat to a child’s safety before that happens.
On a personal level I’d like to see the children taken away, but that isn’t just. It’s not going to happen either. The parents are going to have be a much more immediate threat to a child’s safety before that happens.
But should the remaining children lose both parents as a result? I know one of the health care workers who treated this child when he arrived at the hospital and there is loads of ambiguity that is not being discussed by the press. My child gets croup and it is very scary sounding but I know what to do so I don’t seek…
Some guy at a mall said that to me one evening recently as I was limping along, with blisters on my feet, wearing uncomfortable shoes and fancy work clothing, not having slept for eighteen hours straight, taken two plane flights and enduring job interviews all day, dehydrated, with low blood sugar.
Definitely, as a socially awkward dude, truly socially awkward dudes will hardly talk to women. Let alone say anything sexual. Not even so-called “jokes”. Any guy’s comments to this type of extent that you get a “weird” vibe aren’t because these guys are socially awkward, they’re predatory and feeling you out for a…
And please don’t think this measure is about equality. It’a about punishing women for wanting equality.
To a nation that is truly in strife, world war - we’re talking massive deaths, millions of people - 18-25 year old women are basically it’s most valuable asset. Young women - taken as a whole, are where most of the people come from in a nation. Without them you can’t replace those people fast enough to recover. Babies…
The idea that we should forcibly conscript young
girlsPEOPLE into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.
You think women should be “just as subject,” even though their risk of violence within the U.S. Armed forces is much higher for women than it is for men. You’re asking women to take on a disproportionate amount of risk, in the name of equality
We also have this damned thing called the Constitution.
While the TSA is busy screening every brown person and person wearing a turban, the white terrorists, or particularly light-skinned ones, will waltz right through the checkpoint. The problem with your stupid method is that it relies on people with barely a high-school education to make educated guesses on who is a…
I mean, I may catch some flak for this, but: masculinity and femininity are social constructs, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The entire basis of gender presentation revolves around the idea that there is, generally speaking, a spectrum of presentation ranging from “masculine” to “feminine”. Masculine is…
We can slice amys words to pieces, but we know what she meant, and I we all know that not performing for the male heterosexual eye probably does hurt female performers. It makes sense.
Did you know there is no such thing as a true vegan? Even vegans eat animals. In fact, vegans and vegetarians eat a lot of animals. Possibly more than omnivores do.
I think the problem with this tactic is that, to some extent, his most hardcore supporters are so poisoned against Clinton now that it’s not unreasonable for her to assume that they’ll never come around and vote for her (especially if Sanders doesn’t give the kind of all-in endorsement that Clinton gave Obama in ‘08).…
It’s a crime to have sex with a 14 year old.
It’s not like gorillas are endangered because one mother lost sight of her 4 year old at a zoo. And yet.
You can police every aspect of your speech, you can wear the right things, you can get all the degrees and expertise, you can write the most fucking eloquent and heartbreaking courtroom statement and still there are men who will not hear you because they just don’t listen to women.
Brazilian here. Although the article is factually correct, I think it would be useful to expand the information a bit, in order to get more context. Since I already sort of did that with my comment in the article about the Italian woman burnt alive by an ex-boyfriend, here it goes:
Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?
We’re raised not to murder each other. And people do it all the time.