
Hate to break it to you, but you can be a general sexist and still really love your daughter and think her capable of running your empire. The disconnect comes because they think the product of their loins is an outlier. Hugh Hefner’s daughter ran Playboy. It happens.

Yeah, if college wasn’t traumatic enough, if campus housing doesn’t reassign them, this girl is going to get just psychologically decimated by her roommates. Like you know they will never let go of this. They’re totally going to band together and gossip about their weird, crazy roommate behind her back. She will be

I just thought of it, Marc Chagall. I find her work reminiscent of his. Yes, his paintings were in color, but look at the composition and shapes in some of his paintings, and the whole interconnectedness of images. And again, art can definitely be influenced by the art of others, but at a certain point when something

You’re just so all over the place. Can you really be genuine? I mean, as a baseline, we all know from having seen her do it, that she can generally last through 2 hour memorial services (and 3 hour debates, and 8 hour congressional hearings, and marathon meetings with dignitaries). We also know that this one time when

Come on, transparent government? A mild, non-contagious case of pneumonia is not what reasonable people think about when they think about a transparent government. Or do you think that the moment someone puts themselves in the position of running for a government role you are entitled to know every detail about them,

Serious question, could Hillary’s time in the White House be another reason the gender gap in his administration closed? I know Hillary makes it a priority to hire a diverse group of people for her team, so I wonder if she gave Obama similar advice or made a point of it.

I just love that so much.

Look, after seeing her work, I’ve already conceded that LB stole her design. But I am saying her artwork is not unique. First of all, Vonnegut’s drawings were mostly black on white because they were published in his books. You can look at some of his self portraits to see the similarity. His stuff just looks similar,

Have you ever seen some of Kurt Vonnegut’s line drawings? Because I'd say some of her work looks a lot like his. Not ripping off to the extent Lane Bryant did, but, I mean, her aesthetic is hardly original.

Because honestly, that looks generic as hell. I mean, it’s totally possible Lane Bryant stole this woman’s design, but it's all the more baffling because this is so not worth stealing.

I’m actually surprised an acquittal can be overturned in Canada. The state is barred from appealing acquittals in the U.S. on the premise that the government will have significantly more financial resources than the typical defendant and could conceivably drag things out for years.

Well, the joke was that you were going to stop boycotting them because they were the most conveniently located, and therefore that would be a pain in the ass. But obviously the joke was not good if I had to explain it. :(

And also because Cinemark is the closest movie theater to your house, right?

I see where you're going with this, but fundamentally, I think what they're saying is that medicine should be a social benefit administered by the government and paid for by tax revenue, like it is in many other countries. If that system exists, the issue doesn't arise at all.

This is not about US citizens or non-US citizens suing the US government. This is about the United States being subject to the jurisdiction of a foreign country’s courts, or a foreign country being subject to the jurisdiction of US courts, which, as a matter of international relations, can become incredibly...thorny.

You need to keep open the possibility that not everyone thinks like you, and some people are fine with the “status quo” if the “status quo” is Hillary Clinton. If you support Stein or Johnson, you are the minority. It may actually be the case that you will never get what you want because you live in a large, diverse

Are you a virgin? Because you sound like someone who who is still unwillingly a virgin way too late into his twenties. Where else would your vicious hatred of women come from?

I don’t think I would have dropped it. If he admitted to the rape, talked about his remorse, and said “sorry” to the family, maybe I’d be okay with no longer seeing him shamed on social media, but I wouldn’t want him making bank in Hollywood and wouldn’t see any of his films. This isn’t something like, he was a

Speak for yourself. Those of us who have ever been outside in hot weather and have some semblance of fairness and empathy would be saying the same thing even if it was Trump.

Yeah, it’s kind of just showing her looking devious or making faces that seem guilty, and making insinuations that her reaction to her roommate’s death was not “normal”, which almost feels like that’s the point. Those were the reasons everyone thought she was guilty in the first place (and continue to—just look at the