
So no one after circa 1996, got it.

Said it in a different article and will say it again: the American electorate doesn’t choose back to back presidents of the same party. Political scholars think a Clinton win would have been remarkable for that reason. If you want to talk about a party shitting the bed, look at the Republicans. They knew they had the

I’m Jewish. According to a good many Trump supporters (and Breitbart readers), I ain’t white. In fact, according to a good many of them, I’m not even human.

I think we all understand what a feminist is, but you are judging the issue of a burqa solely based on Western ideals. The burqa is a symbol of dominance and subjugation, especially when you consider a woman who decides that being conservative is not what she wants. She is directly and solely blamed for rape, abuse,

You can only see black (not even black and white) and you’re still defending Clinton’s loss as correct. Well, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. And every new Trump appointment proves it. Clinton and Trump are opposites, not the same. We’d be a fucking thousand times better off right now if it was Clinton picking her cabinet.

People say it’s Clinton’s fault, as it was Gore’s before her, that they lost, because they didn’t speak to the voters’ needs, or some other horseshit. Fuck that. They were Democrats and Bush and Trump were Republicans. In the end, it’s the ONLY thing that mattered. Clinton supporters kept saying that it wasn’t just

I don’t know anything about this guy’s comment history, so maybe there’s some context I’m missing in these responses, but I’ve known plenty of leftists (I say this as a super liberal person) who supported this piece of shit for years and I’m not sure why that shouldn’t be called out? People fucking loved this tool

I’m starting to suspect that this alleged rapist may not like powerful women.

Just remember that they think you are as stupid as you think they are. There’s one thing you can learn from them, though: They always show up at the polls to vote straight R down the ticket, while smug liberals punish their representatives if they don’t pass the ideological purity test (which they never ever do).

Yeah, she totally blew it, winning the popular vote despite a cavalcade of bullshit “investigations” against her.

I know some think it’s a bit comical that Trump is (predictably) reneging his promises to his moron supporters that he’ll hire outsiders and “drain the swamp,” but you have to remember that anyone who voted for him never actually gave a shit about that. Hence why they also reelected the vast majority of incumbents.

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.

You burned our rights to the ground already because wahhh unlikeable Hillary and now you’re threatening to do it again just because we won’t accept your version of affairs? You sure set me straight. Maybe if we shut up and listen to your hot takes all year like we did for this campaign you might what... Burn it all

It’s amazing how hard liberals are working to claim this election had nothing to with race ... so they can make it all about race.

Yeah. I’m pretty over the wagon-circling and doubling down on tribal politics in the fall out of all of this, tbh. I don’t get why admitting that things could’ve been done differently somehow negates the very real sexism and double standards she faced during this campaign. Both things can be true my friends! Hillary

We white women are complicit. But white women did not write and heckle and spout dogwhistle sexism from the Left as well as the Right. We have our woke baes on the Left who only care about white male liberation to thank for that.

You’re really great at redirection and ignoring the point.

White guys: Hillary Clinton sucked, that’s why we lost.

Bernie and his desire to only be a democrat and use the DNC when he needed them - yeah, Bernie? Go fuck yourself. You did the absolute bare minimum to keep this from happening, so please stop saying that Donald awoke some poor-people’s class of white voters. The numbers don’t bear it.

After he spent the entire campaign season promising to be a liberal thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side while viciously subtweeting the DNC, a tone deaf white guy who couldn’t even stay in the Democratic Party until the end of the convention but still feels entitled to direct its future is the ass-last person I’m in any