Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.
Fuck people who stayed home, wrote in Bernie, or left the President choice blank (My Father.) even more.
they’re openly shitting on Deadspin, and it’s great
This isn’t shade. It’s an outright, full-frontal assault at this point.
OK there is no way you guys aren’t shading the bro-chads over at Deadspin. And I agree with the shade. Few things more obnoxious than aloof white boys whose aloofness is courtesy of them having no skin in a game that could end with a white supremacist in the oval office.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with the gist of your statement (Clinton would be the first to tell you she’s a business friendly, foreign policy interventionalist) you have to realize there are no more mainstream Republicans anymore. Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh and now the Tea Party and white nationalists have…
Also, since Mazakeen doesn’t like the truth:
Hopefully FBI Director Comey is preparing to brief Congress on the status of this possible investigation shortly.
Hell, why didn’t the FBI hold a press conference to explain why he didn’t get indicted but tell us how they think he’s a bad person all the same?
You kidding me? He fucked with rush hour traffic!
NJ hates him.
he’s extraordinarily unpopular in jersey
Has she SAID she’s willing to order the military to shoot down Russian planes over Syria? Because I don’t believe that for a second. The only way a no-fly zone is happening there is if Russia agrees to it.
Finish your insinuations please, and stop being so coy...........
So, the specific committee has members from pharma co’s, and “that’s just the surface level” and studies have been funded by them.......
SO??? That means what exactly??? Finish your thought!
What makes you think it’d be Lewandowski? Trump has Roger Ailes working for him. Ailes is probably the most highly connected/networked person in news media in the last century. There’s a reason Ailes and FNC was always a step ahead of every other news outlet, he’s got connections to each and every one of them.
The sound of the baby’s heart eventually breaks the moment of silence and Zoey says, “Thank you, God,” which could be an instinctual reaction from her—she could still be questioning her beliefs.
Haven’t read the book, but loved the film. I was one of the only people I knew though, who found her to be somewhat relatable, and not all that unlikeable. She snaps, after feeling like she’s lost herself to another person, and because of that I ended up rooting for her from the get-go. I don’t necessarily buy that…
I found Don Drapers character to be predictable in is assholery, so for me it made his character not that compelling. John Ham’s acting and the interaction with other characters on the show is what liked about Mad Men, but I still bailed about midway through its run.
So how did you feel about “Amazing Amy”? (As horrible as she was, I fucking loved her!—both book and Rosamund Pike’s performance, despite the big changes from book to film.)
Michelle would be the 1st first lady to sit
the Iron thronein the Oval office.
In some states, the most you can get for malpractice is as low as $100,000. Even if the doctor knowingly kills or permanently maims a patient.