
Actually you definitely can have it both ways. Finding Solledito’s DNA in one place is a possible instance of accidental contamination. That actually happens all the time and the presence of his DNA in the house makes sense because he was Knox’s boyfriend. The presence of a ton of DNA of Guede (including I think the

Because being a doctor is probably hard, but also probably not as hard as people make it out to be.

If he is convicted, wouldn't he go to jail while the appeals are pending?

You don’t really understand the Mrs. Murphy exemption. It is a category of landlords to whom the equal housing laws do not apply. Nothing in this exemption states that private businesses like AirBnB (which is essentially a listing service) can't make policies and procedures forbidding discrimination by the people who

In a perfect world, the day the new president gets sworn in in 2024.

Ultimate best Veep insult ever... "[using Jonah for intelligence] is like using a croissant as a fucking, no, no let me be more clear. It doesn't do the job, and it makes a fucking mess!"

Well, as a wise man named Matt Damon once said, diversity is for in front of the camera, not behind it.

Stop thinking of your Twitter or Instagram or whatever in relation to him. That's only going to give him power over you that unfortunately he probably doesn't even know he has or cares about. He lost interest. If he still had it, he would have at least texted you that he was busy or something. This is his way of

To be fair, I genuinely believe the same thoughts would be going through her head if she was sitting next to Channing Tatum too.

The text does stand by itself. Clearly many people get it, so it works for them. You didn’t get it, so you need the creators to spell it out for you.

That’s really not how I interpreted that scene. I kind of thought both Hannah and Donald Glover’s character were supposed to seem kind of dick-ish, in their own ways. They were just incompatible with each other, and they both clearly pointed out what’s awful about the other person, and it wasn’t the political views.

What does that even mean? Money coming directly from the university, or any money that could possibly be associated with the university, I.e. the money of students, employees, and out of town visitors? Because there’s nothing in Happy Valley except Penn State, so if it’s the latter, you wouldn’t have a business for

So the point is that you don't really like your neighbor? (I kid, I kid).

Literally what I meant in my last sentence.

I definitely agree with that. As a lawyer, I hate it when the first impulse of people is to blame the greedy lawyers, but hell, we should really blame the greedy plaintiffs’ lawyers here. This is a case that should never have been filed and they royally fucked their clients. I can’t even imagine what the conversation

Look, I get what you’re saying but it has nothing to do with what we are talking about. We are talking specifically about the jargon. There is a term of art, called the “American Rule” which means the general rule in Anerica that everyone pays their own legal costs. The “British Rule” is the term of art for loser pays

I think he’s right, I remember this from law school. There actually is a rule called “The American Rule” for the system where each party bears their own legal costs. I guess in England, the rule is that the loser pays the winner’s attorney costs. There are occasional quirks to the American Rule, which is what I assume

Look, clearly no one gets over such a horrible loss in a couple months and most probably never do, but that’s not what this is about. The proper way to deal with horrible tragedy is going to therapy, not filing frivolous lawsuits. Cinemarc was not liable for what happened to these victims, and they had to spend almost

But the movie theater did not do anything wrong, so why should they be liable to compensate these victims of James Holmes? I’m as plaintiff friendly as they come, but this case was just ridiculous.

I beg to differ that conscription is the logical next step in equality for women, sorry. Until women attain equal representation in the positions of power that make decisions on whether or not we go to war, the “logical next step” is not putting women into a better position to die in those wars. I’d say the logical