
I’m honestly not sure what Clinton’s camp is upset about

You mean how ridiculous of an idea it would be for the Republican nominee would debate the Democratic First Runner-Up? Both of these men are thinking this would be such a slap in the face to Hillary when it just looks like such an old guy move to put an uppity woman in her place.

What’s in it for her now that he can’t win and he’s out of cash? Nothing? Oh, OK, but she should just do it anyway because it might help her hapless opponent? Fuck yourself.

Haven’t there already been at least 6 debates between Sanders and Clinton?

I wear dresses, leggings, and flats because they are easier to put on. A couple of months ago my coworker asked if I constantly wore dresses as a “religious thing” which I found odd because the dresses I wear aren’t very conservative. Her eyebrows reached a new level when I explained that I do it because it is

The Sanders crowd are blowing up about the WA primary loss. On the one hand, they are reminding each other it doesn’t count for delegates. On the other hand, they are split as to whether or not this will harm their efforts to convince super delegates to switch to Bernie (hint: it will).

I just need to say this....

A prank is swapping all of your mate’s furniture around when he on holiday or covering his room is army men. It’s not physically or emotionally harming the woman you are supposed to love.

Want extra fucked up and academically related? Teaching used to be the domain of men (all of it not just secondary or post-secondary). So when women entered “traditionally” male spheres, significantly K-6th grade, wages plummeted. Your comment reminded me of a the recent article that touches on this subject.

Okay as someone who has actually dealt with the shit you get when you have large breasts, this is not a humblebrag. Big boobs are not a luxury contrary to popular belief, they are a pain in the ass. And the worst part is you aren’t even allowed to vent about them without someone saying, “I would kill for big boobs!”

Do you have large breasts? Because if not, you should know that no one with large breasts humble brags about it. It’s not like being “too skinny.” Having large breasts is so traumatic, developmentally, that most women need really muster up courage to talk about any harassment they face because of it. (It might be

It’s not. It’s fucking AWFUL having large breasts and you DO get treated like an asshole by asshole ALL.THE.TIME.

Do you really think she’d veto single payer now, if Congress passed it?

Does he have progressive support now? His followers keep threatening to support trump or at least not help the democrats win if they don’t get their way.

Actually, you have two choices for who will become President. But you do not have to case a vote for them.

There are HUGE differences between Trump and Hillary.

I can give you a very simple’s Bill Clinton’s legacy:

She was performing a cover of a Bob Dylan song that had nothing to do with Dr. Luke. There was only a rumor that it was going to be about Dr. Luke, and since he is a narcissistic controlling prick, he (probably gleefully) used his control over her, once again. You honestly can’t be defending a rapist who is using his

1) A lot of the people complaining are those who *aren’t* paying the vastly marked-up prices from resellers, but would have paid the normal price.

Hang on a minute, is this a situation where a special line is being introduced and it sells out in a morning? If not, then how are you getting an extra 25% online? If that is what we’re talking about, then someone behind you in the line, who has also gotten up early and waited, who is also battling the crowds at

There are plenty of other non-dickish ways to “make extra money during school.”

Yeah, fuck those cavemen!