
Do people not read Gideon's Trumpet anymore? Because you straight up sound like you think rapists don't deserve any right to representation.

I’m also a lawyer. If I am assigned a case/asked to take one by the judge and prosecutor, I am legally obligated to try to give my client a fair defense. I can’t just say “hey, I think he’s a liar.”
I have to keep the system honest. It’s better for 9 guilty people to go free than 1 to lose their life or liberty at the

You should know the person you are talking to argued just yesterday that Ivana Trump couldn’t possibly have actually be raped because she walked back her accusations even if she did she’s not afraid of him! She gets lots of cash from him.

Peoples with real ethical obligations in their work operate under a different set of conditions than you have encountered hosting your Mary Kay parties.

There is no way you can say Hugh Hefner is not the bad guy here. He is the one who brought these two women together for his I’m a prince this is my harem schtick, and the writer is right that they should be taking him down instead of each other.

And this is after Holly reached out to her several times post-Mansion and Kendra rebuffed her, saying it was never a real friendship. Which surprised Holly because she had stayed friends with Bridget, and she’d thought that she and Kendra had developed that too, but not according to Kendra.

how is Hefner the bad guy. hm lemme think, controlling, emotional abusive asshole? treats women like objects? establishes a dichotomy where he’s on top and manipulates the people around him into fighting over him?

I think rape jokes can be great, if the target if the rapist or rape culture in general. Hell, Bill Cosby’s transition from beloved star to international pariah was touched off by Hannibal Burress making a joke about his history of rape during a standup routine.

Hahaha, that’s a perfect example of mocking a ridiculous belief.

The “implication” scene from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is pretty funny.

I was kind of shocked and just really fucking sad that Jezebel reprinted and used these tweets for a headline. Jezebel is basically participating in humialiting a woman for making naive and destructive choices at 22 that lead her to become a sex toy for profit of a white geriatric millionaire who used to qualude

Is there that much of a difference between calling out and mocking something?

Never? What if they’re making fun of the rapist or the culture that enables rapists and shames victims?

It’s so disgusting to try to dehumanize women by describing sexual activities they (supposedly) engaged in, too. Notice she goes for (egads, gasp!) anal, here. The last taboo for the proper woman! ::eye roll::

“When Ivana accused him of marital rape, she subsequently recanted her statement and praised him.”

Ugh. I’ve resisted responding to these posts, but nothing you’ve said has any merit. Hillary may have been indelicate in dealing with Bill’s accusers, but it’s also true that none of them were ever able to present a credible account of his “abuse.” Broaddick’s claims have been repeatedly investigated - including a

Ivana didn’t recant, she softened her language. She said that what happened her may not have been rape in the criminal sense (though I think that’s still debatable), it was still a violent experience that made her feel violated. Considering that she never said that the violent assault didn’t happened the way she

There is a legitimate demographic reason to interview Republican women on Donald Trump. This is not the fucking equivalent.

Yes. Hunter said when he put forth the amendment that the draft, as it is, is sexist. He didn’t realize he was completely correct. A patriarchal society that prepares young men for the possibility of going to war because they are men is sexist. Women have been saying this at least since Mary Wollstonecraft. They could

Except it doesn’t work that way in practice. Rich kids get exemptions to the draft, Poor’s not so much. Or rich daddy pulls strings and gets kid assigned somewhere safe, like George Bush.